A spin-off manga to the Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation light novels, manga, and anime! Roxy’s life is a lonely one–out of all her tribe, she’s the only one without the power of...
A hardworking salaryman by day immerses himself on weekends in the pen-and-paper roleplaying game Dungeons & Braves, where he plays his favorite character: a max level wizard. When his real...
BASED ON THE HIT YURI GAME!Mako and Shiori are childhood best friends trying to repair a rift in their friendship…or possibly turn it into something more. Meanwhile, fellow student Hase...
MONSTER GIRLS FIND THIS DOCTOR’S TOUCH IRRESISTIBLE… DON’T MISS THE NEW ANIME!Along with his lamia assistant Sapphee, Dr. Glenn runs a medical clinic in the town of Lindworm where monsters...
Fairy tales, drugs, and supernatural adventure collide in this sexy yuri manga series! Finé would do anything for her friend, Iris Redhood, even take the illegal magical drug Elixir and become a bloodthirsty...
An intriguing yuri manga from the dynamic creator of the modern BL classic Classmates: Dou kyu sei! Ruby is a student at an elite European boarding school. Things are going...
High school student Yaneko loves sleep so much she can barely wake up of her own accord–until she’s roused by a sleep spirit known as Nerimu. Yaneko must accompany him...
TO-DO LISTThough Nina’s second confounding question was aimed at Izumi alone, she quickly learns other parties are more willing to respond to her invitation. Now Nina stands at a dangerous...
Bow down to the queen of the dead!When the zombie apocalypse came to Japan, Satou Masaru thought he was a goner for sure…until two super hot girls came to his...
A lighthearted isekai tale about a fantasy pharmacist–which is soon to be an anime! (And don’t miss the original light novels, also from Seven Seas!)When corporate drone Reiji wakes up...
An LGBT+ manga about finding friendship and common ground at an untraditional maid café!Mogumo is a cute but lonely non-binary high school student who just wants a few loving friends....
One morning, fifteen-year-old Yoshida Yuko wakes up to discover she has sprouted demon horns and a tail! Not only that, she learns from her mom that she has supernatural powers...
Vlogging has come to…the world of magic?! A sword and sorcery manga for the internet age!With the revival of the Demon Lord, chosen ones able to wield holy swords have...
Hajime and the beautiful women around him pause their epic fantasy adventures for some slice-of-life comedy. Follow the everyday antics of the crew in this new collection of 4-panel manga!...
Long before any child of Earth came to the world of Tortus, the Liberators fought their own war: a struggle against the gods themselves. Oscar Orcus was never the type...
Ten years have passed since the Demon Lord Kranos declared war on mankind. As the situation grows desperate, the Ruxe Kingdom summons a hero from another world to stand against...
Thirty-two-year-old Tohno Naruhiko has been scraping by as a manga creator for ten years, and when his latest series gets canceled, he finds himself at a crossroads. Tohno's always had...
Her boyfriend thinks she’s the cutest girl around, but her expressions can be a bit hard to read...Despite the miscommunications, there’s one thing that always comes across—their love for each...
CAUGHT IN THE SPIDER’S WEBAfter a special request from the Guild, Fran and her magic sword, Teacher, descend into the depths of the perilous Spider’s Nest. With companions like Amanda,...