In a devastated post-apocalyptic future, Earth is a ruinous wasteland. Humanity's only remaining strongholds are mobile fortress cities called Plantations. Massive beasts known as klaxosaurs, the planet's new apex predators,...
HOLD ON TIGHT!Hiro has only just recovered from his latest battle when the alarm sounds—a Klaxosaur swarm is imminent, and one of them is the largest foe the Parasites have...
DON’T LET GO!Hiro and the other parasites are granted a much-needed beach vacation. However, instead of unwinding in relaxation, things intensify among the members of Squad 13—especially Zero Two and...
FINAL SHOWDOWNThe Klaxosaur Princess has emerged, determined to enact vengeance on humanity for killing her species. Having annihilated most of the 9’s, she’s now set her sights on the Plantations....