Manga based on the hit mobile video game from Disney, Twisted Wonderland!Stranded in the world of Twisted Wonderland, Yu must brave a magical school filled with ghosts, monsters, and uncooperative...
Yu is formally enrolled in Night Raven College. He’s even a prefect…of Ramshackle Dorm. But that doesn’t mean things are getting any easier for him. When his classmate Ace shows...
Still trying to get his friend Ace out of trouble, Yu attends one of Heartslabyul Dorm’s traditional unbirthday parties. But instead of solving Ace’s problems or having a bit of...
Now that he’s officially a student at Night Raven College, Yu has to deal with Heartslabyul housewarden Riddle when his magic and emotions go wild! Yu and fellow students Grimm,...
A tie-in novel based on the Disney Twisted-Wonderland mobile video game and inspired by Alice in Wonderland.Meet the curiouser and curiouser students of Night Raven College in Disney Twisted-Wonderland: Rose-Red Tyrant. When Yuya Kuroki...
An anthology of manga shorts featuring all your favorite characters from the Disney mobile game.Short stories set in the world of Twisted Wonderland, based on the hit mobile game from...
The second installment in a collection of small but mighty adventures, featuring the characters and world of Twisted Wonderland. Each tale is written and drawn by a different manga creator!
Discover the world of Night Raven College with Disney Twisted-Wonderland: The Official Art Book.The Disney Twisted-Wonderland mobile game features an original concept inspired by classic Disney Villains and reimagined by renowned manga artist...