A lighthearted shojo tale about a high school girl who uses her passion for cleanliness to fix up a fantasy world!For Takatsuki Sakura, a trip to the library turns into...
CITRUS SCENTED AND SPARKLINGSakura is putting her neat freak habits to good use! She's wiped away the grease and grime with baking soda. Now her new citrus cleaner is cutting...
A HERO TO SWEEP YOU OFF YOUR FEET!Even when she finds herself in an unknown land as the guest of a demon king, Sakura can’t help herself from scrubbing the...
When a curse sealed away the Demon Realm’s cleaning magic, Sakura was the only one who could show them how to wipe away the grime. Fortunately, it was limited to...
For Takatsuki Sakura, a trip to the library turns into a fantastical journey. She has been swept away to a grandiose castle ruled by a gorgeous demon king. Magic and...
HOMEGROWN CARE Sakura and the gang are back in the Demon Realm! There’s no time to rest, though. The southernmost part of the Demon Realm may have the key to...
MOLD VS MIGHT!The demon realm’s jungle might hold the key to breaking the anti-cleaning curse. But Sakura and her crew won’t be able to investigate just yet. All the contestants...
DEEP DIVE INTO DESIRES Sakura’s newest adventure has her heading to the underwater Mermaid’s Domain, where she must find King Emelda a pearl with anti-aging properties. But the Mermaid Queen...