In this isekai tale, a male scientist from Earth is reborn as an orphan girl in a world of swords and sorcery. Ren, a young orphan girl, has been sold...
In this isekai tale, a male scientist from Earth is reborn as an orphan girl in a world of swords and sorcery. CRANKY SEXY COOL Ren was once a scientist—and...
In this isekai tale, a male scientist from Earth is reborn as an orphan girl in a world of swords and sorcery. BRIGHT LIGHTS, BIG CITY, BIGGER TI… Ren decides...
In this isekai tale, a male scientist from Earth is reborn as an orphan girl in a world of swords and sorcery. Ren is a young girl in a primitive...
SMELLS LIKE...FISHRen is living her best life in another world, thanks to her broken magic powers, her scientific knowledge, and her cooking skills! But after buying all the seafood she...
SHE LIVES TO SERVERen wants to make the most of her new otherworldly lifestyle, so she departs from Haroula in search of eggs and milk. Accompanying her are Lillie and...
PLEASANT TRAVELS, WITH A SIDE OF BLOODSHEDAccompanied by Lillie and Arisa, Ren continues her journey to the royal capital. The girls are attacked by a rampaging band of bandits, but...
IT'S A LIVIN'!Ren, Lillie, and Arisa have successfully completed their gathering quest ! Now Ren turns her attention to becoming an artisan swordsmith, and savors every moment in every possible...
MILLIONS AND MILLIONS! Ren has reconnected with her best friends from her time at the orphanage. She gives the fledgling adventurers the knowledge and tools they need to succeed, but...
FOR THE GIRL WHO HAS EVERYTHING...Ren’s now filthy rich from the immense royalties she’s raking in. And Miss Ren’s Classroom is officially open for Ren to teach her old friends...
OH, BABY VS. THE NEPO BABIES! Ren has successfully fended off the guild staffer who was trying to force her to work for free. Using her knowledge of Earth's modern business...
MY FAIRE LADY! With her longtime friends and Triela in tow, Ren sets out for a long weekend at the Harvest Festival. Between hitting up food stalls and the many...
SWORDS + ORPHANS = FUN!!With the Harvest Festival over, Ren thinks she's going back to peaceful days, but trouble is brewing on the horizon! Not only is Bekk a.k.a. Vecktor...