In the far future, a disaster known as the "Rusty Wind" has transformed the majority of Japan into a barren desert and left civilization in tatters. After his teacher falls...
To cure his unique condition, Bisco and Milo travel to the holy land of Shimane. But soon they come face to face with the ambitious immortal monk Kelshinha, who takes...
A MUSHROOM TRIP LIKE NO OTHER Having rid the world of the Immortal Monk—Kelshinha—the pair of Man-Eaters travel to Bisco’s ancestral homeland in Shikoku, picking up Tirol somewhere along the...
A divine flower that eats...mushrooms?! In the heart of Kyushu lies the Six Realms Prison. There, an android with the ability to tame the ravenous Shroom-eating blossom dreams of freedom....
In order to get his full-sized body back and stop the insatiable blossoms from ravaging Hokkaido, Bisco raises hell to track down the mysterious mushroom hidden on the island. But...
The evil governor Kurokawa returned to inflict tyranny on Imihama Prefecture. Bisco and the others were in hiding but the movie starring Bisco was announced at a press conference. Apparently,...
A TOTAL CATASTROPHE! All across Imihama, people have begun sprouting feline ears and tails, and adopting bizarre speech patterns! It seems the Ultrafaith Arrow Bisco and Milo fired at Kurokawa...
THEIR LEGACY, SWEET AND BITTER A torrential terror makes a splash on the scene, and his name is President Mare! This nigh-invulnerable adversary has been traveling across the country, abducting...
Bisco and Milo are basking in the joys of family life when the strongest mushroom keeper from a parallel world falls like a shooting star right on top of them―and...