Mitsuha is your average teenage orphan—until one day she falls off a cliff, and finds herself in another world strangely akin to medieval Europe! Beset by wolves, she discovers she...
Having saved the kingdom from invasion, Mitsuha suddenly finds herself elevated to the rank of viscountess. Exploiting her world-jumping ability to the fullest, she’s now busy improving things in her...
The board game tournament is finally over, and Mitsuha’s General Store is open for business...occasionally, anyway! Actually, Mitsuha’s going to be away from the capital for quite some time, now...
Having completed their diplomatic delegation, Mitsuha and the girls finally get to go home…but there’s no time for our heroine to relax! In Japan, she becomes a small business owner...
The newly opened gallery café Gold Coin is a huge hit with the locals thanks to the savvy manager and waitress running it.Meanwhile, the café’s owner Mitsuha is going on an undercover mission to...
Joining forces with the ambitious merchant Lephilia, Mitsuha is on a roll in the New World.But now their inventory’s been stolen by a jealous rival! She’s not letting them get...
When life gives you another world, you take it for all it's worth! The irreverant new isekai adventure from the creator of Didn't I Say to Make My Abilities Average in...
When life gives you another world, you take it for all it's worth! The irreverant new isekai adventure from the creator of Didn't I Say to Make My Abilities Average in...
When life gives you another world, you take it for all it's worth! The irreverant new isekai adventure from the creator of Didn't I Say to Make My Abilities Average in...
War in Another World!With one success after another, and connections to nobles and royals alike, things are going well for Mitsuha’s General Store. That is, until a neighboring kingdom launches...
When life gives you another world, you take it for all it's worth! The irreverant new isekai adventure from the creator of Didn't I Say to Make My Abilities Average in...
There's no way a brand new, 18-year-old viscountess with no retainers will be able to manage her new territory all by herself. So first, she must secure human resources from...
Having gathered the necessary human resources to reform her territory, Mitsuha visits the Wolf Fang base for the first time in a while. It is there that she learns agents...
Just when her territory reform was finally getting on track and her job as a Viscountess was getting more interesting, Mitsuha is told she needs to come to the Royal...