Rio is a run-of-the-mill seven-year-old orphan from the slums who serves as a lookout for a local gang. Yet when he falls into a fever, memories of a past life...
As a reward for saving Princess Flora, Rio gets to leave behind his life in the slums and enroll in the Royal Institute! However, the story of a seven-year-old besting...
Rio sets off for his hometown via parts why does everything look so familiar? From udon restaurants to vanquished enemies bent on vengeance, he’s seen it all before—either in...
Rio’s journey to Yagumo takes him and Latifa deeper into the forest—and its denizens aren’t happy to see them! Can Latifa convince the Spirit Folk’s warriors of Rio’s innocence and...
Life in the spirit forest is pleasant for Rio and Latifa—but alas, their time together there isn’t meant to last. With a promise that he’ll eventually return, Rio departs for...
Rio has settled into village life with Chief Yuba, Sayo, and Ruri. A trip to the capital, however, has him sharing the secrets of his origins and his tragic past...
After departing his parents’ hometown in the Yagumo region, Rio reunites with Latifa in the spirit folk village. She pours her heart out to him, and he responds with a special...
Contains the complete Volumes 1-2! Rio has known nothing but solitude, hunger, and an overwhelming thirst for revenge. But from the humble beginnings of a poor orphan comes a rebirth...
Contains the complete Volumes 3-4! The secret of Rio's birth is revealed in his parents' hometown! After bidding farewell to his comfortable life in the village of the spirit folk,...
Contains the Complete Volumes 5-6! The beautiful silver bride reached her hand out for the last time ― After a fateful reunion with Miharu, Rio decides to entrust her, Aki,...
Contains the Complete Volumes 7-8! Rio emerges on center stage… and is overwhelmed by a chain of encounter! After discovering Liselotte's party being attacked by a huge swarm of monsters...
Contains the complete volumes 9-10! Rio and Miharu’s relationship is getting complicated... With Liselotte’s assistance (after revealing her past life), Rio and Miharu finally gain an audience with the hero,...
Contains the complete volumes 11-12! Rio’s quick thinking saves Miharu from Takahisa’s rampage in the nick of time. Masato desperately seeks advice from the others in hopes of salvaging Aki’s...
Contains the Complete Volumes 13-14! Rio trounces the overwhelming threat of Charles and his army handily, but even with Princess Christina delivered safely to the Kingdom of Galarc as promised,...
Contains the complete volumes 15-16! Things might be working out for Rio. Revenge is his at last; his heroic deeds have been rewarded with a place in Galarc Castle and...
Contains the complete volumes 17-18! Rio returns to Yagumo to update his friends and family on the battle with Lucius. Along the way, he stumbles into an unexpected reunion... Does...
Contains the Complete Volumes 19-20! As soon as Rio leaves the kingdom to rescue Liselotte, Reiss and the bloodthirsty Heavenly Lions take the opportunity to strike Galarc Castle. The girls...
Contains the Complete Volumes 21-22! Upon Rio’s transcendence, the people he loves most lose all memory of him. Aishia suffers a similar fate, and the two depart on a journey...