The story of The Breaker follows Shiwoon "Shioon" Yi, a timid high school student who becomes the disciple to Chunwoo Han, a martial artist who is an enemy to the...
In The Breaker omnibus Vol 2, Chunwoo has gone missing, following his intense and deadly fight with the dreaded GiJoo. Meanwhile, Shinwoo has been confronted with his inner demons ever...
Si-Woon goes to the rescue of his friend Sae-Hee, kidnapped by Chang-Ho's gang, the high school bully boss. Will Si-Woo be able to contain his strength and his newly acquired...
Chun-Woo Han, aka Goo Moon Ryong, aka Nine-Door Dragon, must rescue his student Shi-Woon from the martial arts alliance, and the only way to do so is put his own...
All the actors are gathered. All members are present to witness the clash. Chun-woo must face the leader of the Alliance himself, number 1 of the Murim! The final battle...
The story of The Breaker follows Shiwoon Yi, a timid high school student who becomes the disciple to Chunwoo Han, an extremely talented martial artist who is an enemy to...