This highly acclaimed mystery tale about a young man teaming up with a handsome jewelry appraiser inspired a popular anime--and a manga adaptation (also from Seven Seas)! When Seigi Nakata...
DEADLY BEAUTY Seigi’s eye for cut, carat, and clarity grows sharper by the day as he works under the beautiful and talented Richard. He’ll need that keen eye for their...
This highly acclaimed mystery tale about a young man teaming up with a handsome jewelry appraiser inspired a popular anime--and a manga adaptation (also from Seven Seas)!When Seigi Nakata rescued...
THE MYSTERY OF THE MISSING JEWELERRichard suddenly closes Jewelry Étranger and vanishes, leaving Seigi stunned and alone. Acting on information from Saul, Seigi makes his way to England in pursuit...
PART-TIME JOB, FULL-TIME CONCERNSBack from England, Seigi must deal with the start of his third year of college—and with all his classmates starting to job hunt in earnest! Meanwhile, a...
DEADBEAT DADThe reappearance of a complicated figure turns Seigi’s life upside down—his birth father, Hisashi Shimeno. The man he wants nothing to do with will not leave him be, and...
BON VOYAGEOne month after arriving in the mountain city of Kandy to begin his studies as a jeweler, Seigi receives a strange e-mail from “Jeffrey,” with the subject line “Help...
THE SUMMER GARDENAt the request of Richard’s mother, Catherine, Seigi travels with Richard to her vacation home in Provence in the south of France to meet her. On arriving, however,...
STRANGE BEDFELLOWSA declaration of martial law in Sri Lanka sends Seigi temporarily back to Japan—until a strange message has him flying to Hong Kong to meet with one Vincent Lai,...
When Japanese college student Seigi Nakata rescues a handsome young jewelry appraiser from a group of drunken assailants, he gets more than he bargains for! The appraiser is Richard Ranashinha...
JEWELS AREN’T JUST PRETTY After helping out the impossibly elegant Englishman Richard Ranasinghe de Vulpian, Seigi accepts a job in Richard’s jewelry store. One day, Takatsuki, a flashy-looking host, comes...
IN SEARCH OF THE PERFECT MATCHSeigi, an ordinary university student, works at a jewelry shop run by the decidedly not-ordinary Richard. One day, a young boy named Hajime walks in,...
VIVIDLY UNRAVEL THE MYSTERIES OF THE HEART THAT LIVE WITHIN SHIMMERING GEMSSeigi Nakata is a second-year student at Kasaba University who is majoring in economics. He works part-time at a...
GEMSTONES BRING COLOR TO YOUR DAILY LIFESeigi Nakata, a Japanese economics student, is working at the shop of the beautiful jeweler, Richard Ranasinghe de Vulpian. Today’s customers are an elderly...