Do you want fries with your hellfire? Being soundly thrashed by the hero Emilia, the Devil King and his general beat a hasty retreat to a parallel universe...only to land...
Do you want fries with your hellfire?Sadao Maou, the Devil King, has finally been promoted to store manager! And who should move in next door to his fortress (actually a...
Do you want fries with your hellfire?A portal opens in the courtyard of the Devil's Castle (a tiny walk-up). From it emerges a little girl who calls the Devil King...
With his beloved MgRonald closed for renovations, the Devil King's out of work! Worse, the apartment he shares at Villa Rosa Sasazuka has gotten damaged thanks to his fight with...
With the repairs to his dingy one-bedroom apartment completed, Maou needs a new TV, so...the Devil's going digital! The trouble is, Maou and Ashiya don't know the first thing about...
The fast-food joint that the Devil King calls his workplace has reopened, now with a hip café space upstairs--the perfect chance for the overlord of all demons to earn a...
A door-to-door fraudster arrives in the neighborhood, swindling Urushihara! Already strapped for cash, Maou visits the office to contest the transaction, only to find himself tongue-tied at their vehement refusal!...
For the Hero, whose mission is to slay the Devil King, Emilia Justina appears to have gone soft. She travels to Ente Isla with Alas Ramus to sort through her...
When Emilia the Hero is in danger, she finds an unlikely ally in the Devil King! Unfortunately, with Ashiya kidnapped by Gabriel, the team is seriously lacking in manpower. Maou...
Maou and Suzuno traveled to Ente Isla to rescue Emi and Ashiya, but for some reason...the Devil King never recovered his powers! Still stuck in his human form with Acieth,...
Thanks to the efforts of Maou and friends, Emi has made it back from Ente Isla in one piece-at the cost of her job at the call center, after all...
Thanks to the unflappable efforts of Maou and friends, Emi has made it back from the world of Ente Isla in one piece, though at the cost of her job...
The Hero and her angelic mother may no longer be at each other's throats, but that doesn't mean Emi and Laila are suddenly getting along. The whole situation is a...
Shenanigans ensue in this collection of short stories about Maou and company!Emilia bravely crossed through space and time from the world of Ente Isla in pursuit of the Devil-but all...
It's the middle of winter, and the Devil King is training in the hopes of transitioning from part-timer to full-timer. However, his plan hits a road block when Emi's mother,...
To fight Ignora, Maou's group must restore Devil's Castle to its former glory. However, because of his schedule at MgRonald, Maou needs to save time on his commute by staying...
A new obstacle has appeared before the Devil King-his career advancement has been denied, to the dismay of his human and heavenly coworkers. Still, Maou doesn't have time to be...
With a new manager joining the Devil King's MgRonald location, which has been hit byhigh turnover in the new business year, Chiho decides it's time for her to leave, as...
DO YOU WANT FRIES WITH YOUR HELLFIRE? After making the difficult decision to quit MgRonald, Chiho’s been spending all her time prepping for the upcoming college entrance exams—until a call...
DO YOU WANT FRIES WITH YOUR HELLFIRE?Acieth has been exhibiting strange symptoms for quite a while, and now her sister Alas Ramus’s condition is worsening, too! To aid in their...