One man's story of turning blood, sweat, and tears into a successful living--literally! After his untimely death as the hardest-working salary man in Japan, Luciel is reincarnated into the magical...
Recently reincarnated ex-salaryman Luciel is determined to make his new lease on life in the world of Galdardia a long and peaceful one. His efforts to learn basic healing magic...
TIME TO FIGHT FIRE—WITH FAIR PRICES!Through much trial and tribulation, Luciel has finally started to make a name for himself in Merratoni as a novice healer who cares more about...
Luciel’s kind heart and even kinder healing prices put him in the sights of Merratoni’s most expensive cleric—Bottaculli. Though Luciel manages to avoid any physical altercations, that doesn’t stop Bottaculli...
After being reincarnated, Luciel sets off on his quest with three silver coins in his pocket, and a desperate need to make more. His first stop is the town of...
Luciel has reached the thirtieth floor of the underground labyrinth. But when Cattleya sees him thriving despite his dangerous mission, she begins to suspect he may be taking strange drugs......
Luciel plunges once again into the underground labyrinth to challenge the fortieth floor, but when he doesn't come back for six months, Cattleya gets worried. And his old friends and...
Having attained the rank of S-Class Healer, Luciel reads an account of the life of Healers’ Guild founder Lord Reinstar. And yet, each page he reads only leaves him more...
Ordered by the Pope to study at the clinic of his old enemy Bottaculli, Luciel returns to Merratoni. But their fateful reunion takes a turn when one of Bottaculli's slaves...
Reconstruction of the Yenice Healers' Guild is finally underway thanks to the help of the guild's new, unusually skilled slaves, and Luciel is eager to rebuild the healers' reputation. But...
With the help of the Adventurers' Guild, Luciel uncovers the mastermind behind the attack on the healers. And, once again, it seems as though fate is pushing him towards the...