In this riveting new action fantasy series, an ordinary guy named Ray White somehow gains admission to Arnold Academy of Magic, a school for elite magicians. But could he be...
The Arnold Academy of Sorcery is a school for the elite... and Ray White is just your ordinary guy. In fact, he doesn't seem particularly skilled with magic at all,...
In this riveting new action fantasy series, an ordinary guy named Ray White somehow gains admission to Arnold Academy of Magic, a school for elite magicians. But could he be...
THE MYSTERIOUS MR. CAMPBELLRay emerges bruised but victorious from his battle with Ms. Gray after her shocking reveal as an agent of a shadowy organization. Now fully recovered, Ray is...
In this riveting new action fantasy series, an ordinary guy named Ray White somehow gains admission to Arnold Academy of Magic, a school for elite magicians. But could he be...
A commoner from the countryside, Ray White finds himself surrounded by the children of aristocrats at Arnold Academy of Magic. Fortunately, he quickly befriends the talented daughter of a noble...
A commoner from the countryside, Ray White finds himself surrounded by the children of aristocrats at Arnold Academy of Magic. Fortunately, he quickly befriends the talented daughter of a noble...
A commoner from the countryside, Ray White finds himself surrounded by the children of aristocrats at Arnold Academy of Magic. Fortunately, he quickly befriends the talented daughter of a noble...
A Twisted Fairy Tale Ray and his friends host their outrageous maid café at the Arnold Academy Culture Festival, but Rebecca is notably isolated from her peers. Her engagement to...
Ray White, the Iceblade Sorcerer and the strongest of the Seven Great Sorcerers, hid his true identity to enroll at the elite Arnold Academy of Magic. Now, to save Rebecca,...