In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, the world's strongest sage will stop at nothing to get stronger...not even reincarnation!His strength limited by the magical crest with...
In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, the world's strongest sage will stop at nothing to get stronger...not even reincarnation!Once the world's most powerful sage, reborn Matthias...
Life at the Second Royal Academy starts off with a bang for erstwhile sage Matthias. When a demon infiltrates the school, it's Matthias who takes him out using his shiny...
The magician once known as a great sage has--in search of greater power--reincarnated himself far into the future. His new self has acquired the strongest crest for magical combat, but...
Once the world's most powerful sage, reborn Matthias has gained the optimal crest for magical combat many thousands of years in the future. But with magical knowledge at an all-time...
With the demons seeking to eliminate all who are aware of their plot to cripple mankind through magic disinformation, Matthias stands on the frontline of the battle...but he's not alone!...
The demons assault the Second Academy, which has gotten wise to their plot to cripple mankind through magic disinformation, with a veritable legion of summoned monsters to destroy everyone with...
Former Strongest Sage Matthias's fight to protect mankind continues, with the demons launching all manner of attacks to destroy everyone with knowledge of their plot to weaken humanity through misinformation...
To rout the demons who are hatching a plot involving the Dracopulse Line that runs beneath Maze City, Matthias must contend with the corrupt lord of the city and a...
Is former Strongest Sage Matthias's fight to protect mankind finally over...or is it just beginning?! Having destroyed the demons that menaced the Kingdom of Eis, Matthias sets his sights on a...
After entering the Rajinia Alliance, Matthias and his companions begin their grind to become A-rank adventurers. After a quick massacre of local monsters, Matty’s group quickly rises to C-rank, but...
In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, the world's strongest sage will stop at nothing to get stronger...not even being a "dim wit"! After a little bit...
In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, the world's strongest sage will stop at nothing to get stronger...not even reincarnation!ONE BOY WILL STOP AT NOTHING TO BE...
ONE BOY WILL STOP AT NOTHING TO BE THE WORLD’S STRONGEST…NOT EVEN GETTING POISONED!Matthias manages to barely defeat Zaridias, ensuring the safety of the Eis Kingdom, but a new threat...
ONE BOY WILL STOP AT NOTHING TO BE THE WORLD’S STRONGEST…NOT EVEN PERFORMING IN PUBLIC!Matthias makes a shocking discovery while investigating the imperial waterworks. Grevil, a wise king from ancient...
Matthias and his party embark on a quest to hunt down a group of battle-crazed killers from Matty’s past life that have been resurrected by a Devastar. The resurrected killers...
ONE BOY WILL STOP AT NOTHING TO BE THE WORLD’S STRONGEST…NOT EVEN RESURRECTING HIMSELF!After infiltrating the secret lab of the Unmoor brothers, Matthias and the gang wreak havoc on the...
A chaos demon with greater power than Zaridias will soon be revived. Such a powerful demon is beyond what Matthias and his friends can handle, but an ancient sword may...
Matthias and his friends head to Boseil to confront the reincarnated chaos demon Zadogilgias. Even in his previous life as the powerful Gaius, Matthias was barely able to defeat Zadogilgias....
Despite having previously refused a noble title and land, Matthias eventually relents when the king of Eis gives him an attractive offer. As the new lord of Boseil, Matty is...