In this comedic isekai tale, gender-bending hijinks ensue when two best buds wind up in a fantasy world together–which inspired the 2022 anime!32-year old nerdy office worker Tachibana Hinata has...
THERAPY SHOPPING!Ever since a goddess suddenly appeared and transported him to another world, Tachibana Hinata has been turned from an average man into a gorgeous blonde woman. In order to...
KILLER CALAMARI!Tachibana was once an unattractive salaryman, but ever since he was transported to another world, he’s been stuck in the body of a beautiful blonde woman. That newfound beauty...
BEAUTIFUL SADNESSTachibana was once an unattractive salaryman, but ever since he was transported to another world, he’s been stuck in the body of a beautiful blonde woman.His hunky best friend...
MECHANICS OF FRIENDSHIPBest friends Tachibana and Jinguji have been transported to another world. While the handsome Jinguji has been given amazing powers, the nerdy Tachibana has been turned into a...