After being reunited in the past with her old friends, the Party of Heroes, Frieren looks for a way to return to the future. But the Demon King’s minions also...
“Give up on the Lurolona villagers.” Naofumi and his friends are fighting in the Dark Coliseum in order to rescue the demi-human Lurolona villagers. The mysterious woman who they encountered...
Ever since he was a little boy, Shigeo “Mob” Kageyama has been in love with Tsubomi Takane, yet with all he’s grown over the course of the story, it wasn’t...
Shin and company has infiltrated a base of demons, humanity’s arch-nemesis, in pursuit of the captured Holy Woman and Wilhelm. There they encounter Filma, the support character whose whereabouts have...
What would you risk to rule the world? Dive back into the imagination of bestselling manga creator Hiro Mashima (FAIRY TAIL, EDENS ZERO) with a new fantasy adventure that pits the...
In the deadly battle with the Monster Association, the heroes are all getting seriously injured. And to make matters worse, Garo appears as a monster! However, Bang is there to...
Yuichiro and Mika finally know the truth about their pasts and now have to figure out how to handle this big revelation. Both are tempted to sacrifice themselves for the...
As Luffy and crew try to escape Egghead, the navy’s armada surrounds the island. Leading the charge is Admiral Kizaru and a member of the mysterious Five Elders. Can the...
Great Red Siberian has gone missing! Is the Demon King’s lackadaisical pet parenting responsible for his sudden disappearance, or does the arrival of a mysterious new enemy have something to...
Utage realizes she’s developed romantic feelings for Tamon’s gloomy side, so she quits her job outright! Ori sees this as an opportunity to sweep Utage off her feet, but how...
When Kyuta and Hoshino luck into a pair of tickets to a hot springs inn, Hoshino thinks he’s found the perfect opportunity to come out to Kyuta as a vampire....
The Wara-1 Koshien finals have finally begun! Despite having the first (and worst) spot in the line-up, Glass Slipper kicks off the competition with an unprecedented performance, setting a score...
Sunshine and storm clouds await Nanoha and Chidori as they head into their first summer as a couple. They’ll need to be ready for all sorts of heart-pounding activities, like...
Something is clearly bothering Keiichi as he listens to the others discuss their college plans. Can his friends help him out of his gloom? Graduation is almost here, but what...
Against Emperor Go-Daigo’s wishes, Ashikaga Takauji has seized Kamakura for himself. After Emperor Go-Daigo declares Takauji a rebel, a series of battles and political machinations result in the unusual situation...
The students continue to prepare for all the worthy challenges coming their way! And what task would be better suited for them than a trash-clearing competition? Then, the kids work...
Only one man is walking away from the epic rematch between All Might and All For One. All Might’s superpowers may be long gone, but he’s no less of a...
McGinty and his vicious band of outlaws, the Scowrers, have launched an attack on the peaceful town of Vermissa. Sherlock, Billy, and the villagers set traps as part of a...