In this manga adaptation of the popular web novel series, an overworked wage slave finds himself transported to a fantasy world where he quickly becomes the strongest sage in the...
Sorawo and Toriko have been spending their days surrounded by the supernatural. They managed to successfully spend a night together in the Otherside and can now venture even deeper! As...
THE BATTLE ENSUES Yato goes head-to-head with his father, but the Yukiné he once knew is nowhere in sight. With his own life on the line, Yato must race against...
The year is 2095. Magic has been tamed as another form of technology, and the practice of magic is now a rigorous discipline. Brother and sister Tatsuya and Miyuki Shiba...
A deluxe edition of Orochi, featuring all nine of the classic interconnected short stories by horror master Kazuo Umezz, the creator of The Drifting Classroom!The second volume of Umezz’s classic horror manga...
The secret feud between the Nachtoy and the Korloy families, who control the Volupta Grand Casino on the seventh floor, takes an unprecedented turn when Kirito and Asuna intervene. But...
Set on victory at any cost, Ragna joins forces with Crimson, a powerful dragon and traitor to his kind. Crimson's motivations may be obscure, but he and Ragna share the...
In this action-packed dark fantasy, humanity lives under the threat of annihilation by immensely powerful dragons. The dragon hunter Ragna embarks on a revenge-fueled quest to eliminate that threat once...
This second collection of gorgeously illustrated artworks highlights events from volumes 10 through 15 of the main story. The definitive edition also includes illustrations from volumes 1 through 3 of...
Contains the full Volume 5 and 6!The Battle Continues! Souma presses Elfrieden’s siege on the Amidonian principality, whose soldiers fight tooth and nail to keep him at bay. The violence...
VENGEANCE WILL BE HIS The Sword Roses are blossoming into proper Kimberly mages, but that growth doesn’t come without trials: Magical biology continues to bring Katie anguish, and an upperclassman is...
The times may change, but the legends of adventuring never will! After Bete helps bring an end to the Amazon hunt, there's hardly a moment to rest before a new...
Cash on delivery is not accepted for this item. Midoriya inherits the superpower of the world’s greatest hero, but greatness won’t come easy.Collect the first 20 volumes of the bestselling My...
Shen's obsession with avenging his sister’s death at the hands of Feng nearly causes him to lose sight of himself until Andy reminds him his purpose is to protect the...
Moments in Time When Yamada and Miyamura casually embark on an investigation to identify Yamada’s first-year girlfriend, an email buried in Yamada’s phone leads them to Hino—a timid classmate who...
DON'T LET THE MASK SLIP Another year gone at Kimberly Magic Academy means a new crop of first-year students. Oliver and his classmates, now second-years, see their studies becoming increasingly...
Once upon a time in a faraway land, a beautiful witch lived atop a tall tower with no intention of descending. Instead, she awaited the brave knight who would overcome...
If a girl tells you she’s dying to go out with you, you’d probably take her at face value. Especially if she was as drop-dead gorgeous as Yuzuki Nanase. But...
It's never been easier to attack Attack on Titan than with these new, giant-sized 3-in-1 omnibus editions! If you've been waiting for the final anime season to check out the...
In The Breaker omnibus Vol 2, Chunwoo has gone missing, following his intense and deadly fight with the dreaded GiJoo. Meanwhile, Shinwoo has been confronted with his inner demons ever...