A battle begins between rebel Claymore warriors and the Organization that created them. When the team of seven notorious rebel fighters is joined by an army of newly minted soldiers...
Rebel Claymores, the Organization that created them, and a host of reanimated top-level warriors clash with savage intensity. The Claymores’ demonic impulses are provoked, threatening to destroy their human consciousnesses....
Rebel warrior Miria penetrates the headquarters of the secret Organization that created her, discovering the appalling truth about Yoma. Meanwhile, human warrior Raki joins the Claymores on the battlefield and...
Priscilla, whose monstrous savagery was reawakened in the previous battle, is bent on absorbing the power of those who fell in her wake and destroying the rebel Claymores. Raki and...
Three battles unfold around the holy city of Rabona as demonic forces seek to destroy one another, the rebel Claymores and the city itself. Seemingly intent on devouring all life,...
Former Claymores Cassandra and Priscilla appear to be headed toward an epic conflict, as the warriors protecting the Holy City of Rabona attempt to orchestrate a battle between these two...
As rebel warrior Clare prepares to face former Claymore Priscilla in a climactic final battle, she is suddenly transformed by an unprecedented Yoma energy. Priscilla, whose brute and evil power...
The complete best-selling dark fantasy series, now available in a value-priced box set! Includes volumes 1–27, plus an exclusive booklet of black-and-white cover art previously unreleased in the English editions.In...