The young Erwin Smith is a rising star in the Survey Corps, humanity's only hope of defeating the man-eating monsters known as Titans. Ruthless and dispassionate, Erwin's mind is devoted...
THE DESPERATE BATTLE BEGINS In this post-apocalyptic sci-fi story, humanity has been devastated by the bizarre, giant humanoids known as the Titans. Little is known about where they came from...
MARCHING ONWARD Once hailed as humanity's greatest hope, Eren has since become unrecognizable. With the Attack Titan now morphed into a grotesque, colossal skeleton of its former self, Eren continues...
The blockbuster action manga that inspired the epic anime stampedes towards its thrilling conclusion! Eren's titanic Rumbling claims thousands of lives beyond the walls of Paradis, and the boy who...
Timid Tadano is a total wallflower, and that’s just the way he likes it. But all that changes when he finds himself alone in a classroom on the first day...
THE DAWN OF MAN Determined to protect his beloved home of Paradis, Eren uses the Founding Titan's power in an attempt to wipe out the rest of humanity. As the...
The adventure is over but life goes on for an elf mage just beginning to learn what living is all about. Elf mage Frieren and her courageous fellow adventurers have...
Erwin's political enemies have hired Levi and his crew to take back some incriminating documents. Their reward: the right to live a proud life above ground, in the royal capital....
ADVANCE OF THE TITANS After breaking through a stronghold of old friends and enemies, Zeke hands down his plan for the Eldians to Eren. But what Eren was plotting with...
ONLY HUMAN To activate the true power of the Founding Titan that courses through his veins, Eren must make contact with Zeke, a Titan of royal blood. Though Zeke has...
A juicy tutoring gig falls in the lap of poor high school second-year Futaro Uesugi…but it turns out his prospective pupils are his classmates?! And they’re quintuplets?! All five are...
Hotaru doesn't need a boyfriend. But an act of kindness to a classmate going through a breakup opens a door she never thought to step through, in and everything begins...
Hotaru doesn't need a boyfriend. But an act of kindness to a classmate going through a breakup opens a door she never thought to step through, in and everything begins...
Mizuki is a shy girl who’s about to enter high school, and vows to open herself up to new friendships. Of course, the four stars of the boys’ basketball team...
Resurrect the tense conflict between the Jujutsu Sorcerers and the cursed spirits in this collection of original stories. Sorcery and demon curses abound in this collection of stories spun from...
WITHIN THE HOLLOW CROWN As a Marleyan invasion dangles like a guillotine blade over the island of Paradis, allies have become enemies, and former friends are at each other's throats....
TRAITOR The last thing Eren remembers before blacking out, a Titan had bitten off his arm and leg and was getting ready to eat him alive. Much to his surprise...
BIRTH OF A MONSTER The Colossal Titan has breached humanity’s first line of defense, Wall Maria. Mikasa, the 104th Training Corps’ ace and Eren’s best friend, may be the only...
Hotaru doesn't need a boyfriend. But an act of kindness to a classmate going through a breakup opens a door she never thought to step through, in and everything begins...
The outrageous shojo comedy finally comes to print! A boy and a girl come to share each other's secrets: She remixes her real life and fantasies into a pervy Twitter...