The prequel to the supernatural exorcist adventure Jujutsu Kaisen! In a world where cursed spirits feed on unsuspecting humans, fragments of the legendary and feared demon Ryomen Sukuna were lost and...
Although Yuji Itadori looks like your average teenager, his immense physical strength is something to behold! Every sports club wants him to join, but Itadori would rather hang out with...
Denji’s a poor young man who’ll do anything for money, even hunting down devils with his pet devil-dog Pochita. He’s a simple man with simple dreams, drowning under a mountain...
Yuji Itadori and his classmates are fighting two of the three reincarnated Cursed Womb: Death Paintings brothers. Meanwhile, Megumi Fushiguro loses consciousness after finally defeating a special grade curse that...
When a cursed womb appears at a detention facility, Jujutsu High dispatches Itadori and the other first-years to handle the situation. However, the curse they encounter is far stronger than...
While investigating a strange set of mysterious deaths, Itadori meets Junpei, a troubled kid who is often bullied at school. However, Junpei is also befriended by the culprit behind the...
In order to achieve the greatest goal in human history—to touch a boob—Denji will risk everything in a fight against the dangerous Bat Devil. But will getting what he wants...
Tensions are high as the Goodwill Event between the Tokyo and Kyoto campuses of Jujutsu High approaches. But before the competition can even begin, a couple of Kyoto students confront...
Twilight has overcome many challenges in putting together the Forger family, but now all his hard work might come undone when Yor’s younger brother Yuri pops in for a surprise...
Everyone’s surprised (and not necessarily in a good way) when they find out Itadori is still alive, but there’s no time for a heartwarming reunion when Jujutsu High is in...
A mysterious devil is demanding Denji’s heart! But will the devil hunters from Division 4 agree to this deal to save themselves? Or will Denji have to do what Denji...
Despite the crowd of civilians and transfigured humans, Satoru Gojo is able to defeat the cursed spirits at Shibuya Station. But it’s a trap! The cursed spirits possess a special...
Devil Extermination Special Division 4 is in serious trouble as a devil has sent a whole team of assassins to take Denji’s heart. In order to survive the onslaught, Denji,...
Despite the injuries and losses they suffered in an attack on the Goodwill Event, the students of Jujutsu High have little time rest as people start dying under mysterious circumstances....
A new girl named Reze has shown up and swept innocent Denji right off his feet. But is Reze exactly what she seems? (Spoiler: Nope!) Is Denji about to find...
After losing his first and last volleyball match against Tobio Kageyama, “the King of the Court,” Shoyo Hinata swears to become his rival after graduating middle school. But what happens...
Kafka wants to clean up kaiju, but not literally! Will a sudden metamorphosis stand in the way of his dream?With the highest kaiju-emergence rates in the world, Japan is no...
As Quanxi and the members of the Special Division battle it out over Denji, the mysterious Santa Claus makes his move. But things are not as they appear, and nobody...
Chainsaw Man has escaped Makima's attempts to control him so far, but she now reveals the full extent of her plans. Denji will need the help of his remaining friends...
With the climactic battle against the Gun Devil close, Aki may be wavering. Has he found something more important to him than revenge? And what is the true meaning behind...