One of the manga world's most intriguing artist returns with a science-fiction tour de force which combines post apocolyptic action, modern sci-fi video game tropes and a traditional Japanese aesthetic...
One of the manga world's most intriguing artist returns with a science-fiction tour de force which combines post apocolyptic action, modern sci-fi video game tropes and a traditional Japanese aesthetic...
One of the manga world's most intriguing artist returns with a science-fiction tour de force which combines post apocolyptic action, modern sci-fi video game tropes and a traditional Japanese aesthetic...
One of the manga world's most intriguing artist returns with a science-fiction tour de force which combines post apocolyptic action, modern sci-fi video game tropes and a traditional Japanese aesthetic...
All is not well in his new home of Lamberg, however. Missian, the duchy Ars’s barony lies within, has been plunged into a war of succession, and circumstances have prompted...
The unexpected return of nichijou!Seven years from the last release, the quirky gang is back! For the die-hard nichjou fans or even those picking it up for the first time,...
The feelings Mona harbors toward Medaka are throwing her for a loop! She's never felt this way toward a boy before. As she grapples with this, her childhood friend Tomo...
In the beautiful mountains of Akita stands GLASS STUDIO amato, run by Mr. Komatsu and the shiny-nosed dog who loves him—MUCO!!Lovely Muco! is a story that depicts the lovely everyday life...
Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro 2nd box set is here!Includes volumes 7~12 of the manga, box with Nagatoro artwork, plus a bonus item. "This is a fun new comedy...
With both the fateful judo tournament and mock university entrance exam right around the corner, Nagatoro and Senpai part ways to spend time doing intensive drills with their clubs—only to...
Created in a biological science lab, Charlie is a half human, half chimpanzee hybrid known as a "Humanzee."Raised by his adoptive human parents, Charlie is now 15 and starting high...
A NIGHTMARE UNFOLDS!! WHO CAN CHARLIE PROTECT—AND AT WHAT COST?! Charlie—half human, half chimpanzee—has just entered high school. His parents simply want a normal life for him, but the terrorist group...
This award-winning series marries a unique scifi set-up with an examination of social issues surrounding veganism, animal exploitation, and ecoterrorism. Created in a biological science lab, Charlie is a half...
“It seems I’ve gotten myself hooked on these naughty lessons with you.”Ever since rescuing Charlotte Evans, a fugitive noble who fled her kingdom after being accused by her royal former fiancé of crimes she...
“Indulging in the naughty, you see…is terribly fun.” Allen, a powerful sorcerer feared as the “Demon Lord” by all in town, wants nothing more than to enjoy his solitary existence deep in the...
The board game tournament is finally over, and Mitsuha’s General Store is open for business...occasionally, anyway! Actually, Mitsuha’s going to be away from the capital for quite some time, now...
The hit rom-com series that became an anime!Includes volumes 1 6 of the manga, box with Nagatoro artwork, plus a bonus item. This is a fun new comedy series that...
A mysterious organization is operating behind the scenes at Yubiwa Academy—the Pretty Boy Detective Club, comprised of President Manabu Sotoin, Vice President Nagahiro Sakiguchi, fearsome “bossman” and fearless gourmand Michiru...
Mayumi Dojima is finally a full-fledged member of the Pretty Boy Detective Club, known to her compatriots as Mayumi the Seer, she of the beautiful eyes. Summoned suddenly to the...
From the renowed author NISIOISIN, the creator of BAKEMONOGATARI, Zaregoto Series and KATANAGATARI.Comes a new, innovative mystery series, Pretty Boy Detectives Club!Mayumi Dojima, a second-year student at the exclusive Yubiwa...