CLASH OF THE ELDIANS The deadly pageant directed by and starring Willy Tybur clearly illustrates the threat posed by the island of Paradis, as the dangerous rebel Eren Yeager mows...
High school student Kei Nagai is struck dead in a grizzly traffic accident but immediately revives to learn that he may not be like every other human. Instead, he may...
TURNING ON THEIR OWN The Survey Corps sets a cunning trap to capture the mysterious Abnormal Titan that broke through their ranks. As Armin tries to determine the grotesque creature’s...
Mizutani is a self-absorbed overachiever, concerned only with maintaining the highest grades in school. Haru is an impulsive short tempered brute, who scares everyone with his explosive bursts of violence....
After a fierce battle with the head of the Xyrus Adventurer’s Guild, Kaspian, Arthur has finally completed his rank examination and secured a B-Rank placement. It looks like his performance...
After years in the elven kingdom, Arthur is finally able to travel to the city of Xyrus...and reunite with his family! In Leywin fashion, the reunion can’t be celebrated without...
FIND OUT WHAT FUTURE AWAITS ART IN THE THIRD INSTALLMENT OF THIS HIT FANTASY COMIC, NOW IN PRINT! Having successfully rescued elf girl Tessia from slave traders, Art accompanies her...
A palace servant trained in herbal medicine finds herself in the heart of imperial intrigue in this enthralling period mystery!Maomao must help keep Consort Gyokuyou safe during her pregnancy. An...
After a major revelation, the flames of vengeance have died down in Aqua’s heart. At the same time, B Komachi is set to have their first music video (and boost...
RESOLUTION OF THE RAVENDespite the Raven’s missing part being within Jusetsu’s grasp, the sea god isn’t about to make that easy for her. An underwater volcano eruption has made the...
UNLIMITED POTENTIAL Now that Coyolles has exposed their weakness and left themselves at Galkhein’s mercy, Rishe walks a dangerously thin line as she prepares to make her case for an...
LOVE IN THE TIME OF REVOLUTIONThings grow dire in Bauer Kingdom when Claire gets roped into service as a secret agent of the king. Fortunately, the infuriating commoner Rae Taylor...
100 QUESTIONS, 100 ANSWERSThe final special exam of the semester is on the horizon: a cooperative written test where students answer problems in turn. Horikita’s class is up against Sakayanagi’s,...
“To me, acting is revenge.” The stage is set for Kana and Akane to put on a performance that will prove who is the superior actor. But while Akane boldly...
Ganta and Isaki are on their astronomy club’s summer trip, but when Isaki’s older sister (and their chaperone!) ditches them, they’re left all alone. Free from their daily obligations and...
A seemingly unbeatable kaiju is on the attack! Okarun hits on the idea of revisualizing the nanoskin that repaired Momo’s house into a form they can use to counterattack, but...
Okarun and the others emerge victorious in their fight against the serpent god, but one lingering threat remains—the Evil Eye’s possession of Jiji. Even Grandma Seiko’s exorcism is of no...
The Kito clan tosses Okarun and the gang into an alternate-reality version of Jiji’s family home as an offering to the serpent god! Still imprisoned there is a former child sacrifice...
A nerd must fight powerful spirits and aliens all vying for the secret power of his “family jewel,” so who better to fight alongside him than his high school crush and a...
After a hectic shopping date, Taiki takes Chinatsu to watch a beautiful sunset. With this perfect atmosphere, Taiki is preparing to tell her something important—when he’s interrupted by Chinatsu’s former...