A young dragon named Hekidou and a beautiful female tiger named Hakurei are on a journey. Their goal is to find a way for dragons and tigers, which have different...
Yoshiki has resolved to walk alongside the “something” that replaced his friend, Hikaru. But changes begin to appear, not just in the village, but also in the impostor himself! As...
Behold, a great detective who thrills the world solving impossible cases in no time! His name? Keiichiro Nagumo. …But all of that was over a decade ago. Now he’s just...
After a heated exchange with Roswaal, Subaru takes action alongside Otto to overturn fate. He decides to delve deep into Emilia’s troubled past. But for reasons unknown, some of her...
Cats can be quite picky! Whether it’s their favorite toys, their favorite hiding spots, or their favorite cardboard box, they need things to be juuust right, and aren’t interested in...
Even though his good looks make him popular amongst girls, Atami-kun only likes boys. Falling in love and making new friends, Atami-kun is enjoying the summer of his first year...
Famous curry, skateboarding, ghosts, the mysterious round stones scattered throughout Koufu city―all surprisingly ubiquitous things that nevertheless enrich daily life. For the girls of the Cinephoto Club, these are the...
The manga that inspired the hit anime! When Momose changes jobs he finds his new boss isn’t intimidating—but he is a total airhead!Forced to change jobs after being constantly bullied...
In order to protect the peace of the demon realm, Aquarius, along with the Hero, Leo, Demon Queen Echidna, the water priestess Crocell, and the Four Great Guardians, prepare to...
Raito’s childhood friend Yuu has joined the Gaming Club! As they game the days away together, Rion has an upcoming pro-gaming tournament to prepare for. But a certain incident leaves...
Oh, June 1983. With her newly acquired powers, Satako is loving every loop with her friends. Over, and over, and over, and over. But can this happiness last forever? Or...
“I have a feeling the road that lies before you will be filled with chaos.” With that, an elven swordswoman offers to join Goblin Slayer in his adventures. And soon the...
Tamaki continues to enjoy her days more and more after becoming a model―and it isn’t just her private life and things at work that are changing for the better! Whether...
Maika has gradually gotten used to playing her sadistic character at the cafe and is starting to enjoy her first part-time job to the fullest. How could she not, when...
Takuto has successfully brokered an alliance between Mynoghra and the neighboring nation of Phon’Kaven-- who’ve settled the city of Dragontan atop a vital strategic resource known as a “Dragonvein Grotto”....
Sinner Jo and boarder guard Akira make an unlikely team―but now their shared suspicion of lord Harujion’s “Mermaid Island Operation” has brought them together for a daring mission! Sneaking into...
Upon returning to Gray Neighbor, Matthew and his companions are met with the unexpected scene of residents celebrating the Founding Festival. When they’d left, the city had been threatened by...
Surviving thanks to Yuuto’s sacrifice, Kaito and his companions join forces with the Demon Lord Leticia and the previous hero, Towako Kuroi. They are finally informed of the world's origin,...
"I love you too, Ryou." Hina and Ryou have finally overcome their past misunderstandings and begun dating. Making up for lost time, their relationship quickly deepens. But as Hina's acting...
Start from zero all over again with these five extra stories of Subaru’s peaceful days! Discover the other side of the demon beast incident, which rocks a certain young girl...