For years, Sylphie has lived in disguise as a man, serving as a princess’s bodyguard under the alias Fitz. Yet from the moment her childhood friend Rudeus joined her at...
TO THE WORLD WE LEFT BEHIND Silent Sevenstars, the mysterious special student at the Ranoa University of Magic, turns out to be the very same high school girl Rudeus died...
DUEL WITH THE DEMON KING It’s Rudeus’s first autumn at the Ranoa University of Magic, and with the turn of the seasons comes a turn to…mating season! The beastfolk are...
CLARION VS. PHOBOS! Sisters slug it out as the tragic final battle takes center stage in grand fashion. Not only that, but the cruel fate they share is revealed at...
HOMEWARD BOUNDMassage therapist Naoe Tomoatsu has become something of a specialist when it comes to helping out curvy otherworlders. And now with summer in full swing, the gang has departed...
Thanks to a severe wound, Arihito is all too aware that his rearguard powers have one major flaw: He can’t use them for personal protection! Now it’s up to Kyouka...
NO REST FOR THE WRETCHED The incident with the “Organization” has been settled (for the time being)! But with the arrival of a new character who’s dissatisfied with the gutless...
A sci-fi isekai adventure full of ray guns and girls--and don't miss the original light novels, also from Seven Seas!When I woke up, I found myself in outer space--and in...
“COULD IT BE…THAT SHE WANTS TO KISS?”Mako and Sakurai have been spending a lot of time together after school, and even ended up alone together in her room! Mako thinks...
“MAYBE THIS ISN’T JUST TEASING?!” Mako still can’t figure out what’s up with Sakurai. When they’re alone together, she seems so happy, and she’s always teasing–and getting right up into...
LOST AND FOUND?Sawada has left Senpai’s side! To get her back, he’ll have to do something about the strange monsters that have overrun their world. He embarks on a journey...
In this offbeat dark fantasy by Yoichi Abe, two strange classmates fall in love in a transformed post-apocalyptic world. The world has changed: everyone has fallen into a deep slumber,...
ARC UNLEASHEDOur intrepid skeleton knight goes head-to-head with an undead army…alone! Will his skills be enough to defeat these creatures and the evil Cardinal Palurumo? And can his comrades-in-arms protect...
LIFE OR UNDEATHHaunted by Sasuke’s ominous last words, Arc and crew head for the Holy Hilk Kingdom to uncover the truth. But they’re stopped along the way by Princess Riel...
A TALE OF ONE CITYArc and gang have arrived in Tagent, only to find it overrun by undead soldiers and dark giants! In the midst of this chaos, Chiyome is...
DUEL TO THE DEATH? With a new house and Wendy by his side, the slow life Itsuki has always wanted is just within reach…until an encounter with a girl who...
After leaving Konohanatei with a list of errands from Okami, Yuzu and Satsuki ended up back at Satsuki's hometown, guided by the Great Spirit of the Paintbrush. Their next stop:...
Yuzu is an employee at Konohanatei, the hot-springs inn that sits on the crossroads between worlds. A simple, clumsy but charmingly earnest girl, Yuzu must now figure out her new...
IF LOVE IS THE ANSWER, YOU’RE HOMEAs the Duke and Alice grapple with the truths revealed at the Witch’s Sabbath, they recall the long-ago days when Alice first came to...
HANG ON TO YOUR HOPE, YOUR GRACE Winter is here, and the duke is enjoying his time in the snow with his maid, Alice, and butler, Rob. But much to...