A dark episode unfolds by flashback in Professor Kasukabe's past, bringing him closer to the identity of the Cross-Eyes' mysteriously powerful wax doll. The amnesiac Ebisu begins to regain her...
Nikaido and Natsuki comfort Caiman after he is forced to confront some dark truths about his origins. Meanwhile, Professor Kasukabe goes grave digging with Shin and Noi in an attempt...
A survival horror tale about a cat’s journey after society collapses. Zombies roam the earth and civilization as we know it is dead. When Jin—a young man trying to survive...
The Professor's found the home of his estranged wife, but there's no sign of her in the tiny cottage. Hot on the Professor's heels, Shin and Noi find themselves in...
Deep in the world of sorcerers, Caiman devises a daring plan to sneak into En's mansion under the guise of a meat-pie competition, posing as Tanba's wife (!) in order...
Caiman has left the Hole behind for the Sorcerers' dimension in an attempt to unravel the mysteries of his past. As the Sorcerers' "Blue Night" festival draws to a close,...
While En seeks out a new partner with unique magic powers, his crew has a run-in with an underground organization that controls the distribution of "black powder," a magic-enhancing drug...
Two girls explore their haunted hometown in this beautifully illustrated manga. High schooler Ninamori Akane is assigned by the newspaper club to report on local places that are rumored to...
Humanity’s attempt to terrafom and colonize Mars goes horribly wrong. In the late 26th century, overpopulation on Earth is reaching the breaking point, and humanity must find new frontiers. The...
Humans versus Goldfish has reached its final stage! As the survivors arrive at the hospital in hopes of concocting a pathogen to fight the goldfish, they’re surprised to see a...
“I’m tingling all over…to think I’ll get to see you writhing in agony again.” Murakumo Inn always welcomes the troubled masses, human or otherwise. Only one form of payment is...
Grevillea, Queen of the Arachnea, has decimated both the Kingdom of Maluk and now the Dukedom of Schtraut one after the other. When she investigates reports of raids on her...
After a swift campaign, Grevillea and the Arachnea manage to conquer the Kingdom of Maluk, the great power of the north. Now, they prepare for the next war. Their eyes...
It's the end of humanity as we know it--but are you a part of the zombie-human hive mind or about to die outside of it?With Hiromi absorbed into a huge,...
Revelations, new mutations, and new motivations abound in this penultimate collection!An odd observer in Barcelona pieces together the puzzle of the ZQN infestation before creator Kengo Hanazawa takes readers back...
Winner of the esteemed Shogakukan Manga Award and now a feature film!For mature readers! A small group of survivors, led by former manga creator Korori Nakata, considers breaking from a...
A best-selling international hit series, a major motion picture, and--according to the Anime News Network--"the greatest zombie manga ever."As the ZQN virus continues to mutate and alter those living and...
Opening this volume with a surprise visit to France, manga maestro Kengo Hanazawa continues to give fans glimpses at how the zombie apocalypse is affecting the rest of the world.Near...
"The greatest zombie manga ever." --Jason Thompson (Manga: The Complete Guide)The action packed zombie thriller and winner of the Shogakukan Manga Award returns!A global zombie outbreak threatens to wipe out...
With Japan's zombie outbreak in full swing, manga maestro Kengo Hanazawa shows readers how the monstrous ZQN creatures begin to take over Taiwan before taking us back to his main...