A WILD RIVAL APPEARS!To better assist (and get closer to) Matsuri, Exorcist Ninja Tool specialist Reo transfers to Matsuri and Suzu’s school, intent on causing all sorts of misunderstandings. Maybe...
THE GANG’S ALL HEREIt was only a matter of time before Akutsu’s friends found out about all the time she spends at Oyama’s place. First their landlord’s nosy daughter poked...
ONE NIP SLIP AND HE’S DONE FORIt’s summer break, but that hasn’t stopped Akutsu from crashing at Oyama’s apartment as usual. And as the temperature rises, her shorts are getting...
THIS GIRL’S A HANDFULOyama has resigned himself to the fact that Akutsu Riko, his school’s most notorious tough girl, is staying in his apartment for good. But must she always...
SHOULD SHE STAY OR SHOULD SHE GO?Now that the voluptuous delinquent Akutsu has made herself at home in Oyama’s apartment, he can’t decide if he wants to learn to live...
RUB ME THE RIGHT WAYRentaro’s new girlfriend, Momi Momiji, gets very handsy because she’s training to be the world’s best masseuse. Her hands will bring bliss to every strained muscle...
CHOREOGRAPHY, CHARM, AND CHEESECAKE!Turn up the speakers and wave your glowsticks, because Aijo Rentaro’s girlfriends are banding together to form an idol group for the school festival! No challenge is...
LAP IT UP!The God of Love makes a clerical error that dooms ordinary high school boy, Aijo Rentaro, with a grand total of a hundred potential girlfriends! But this is...
HELPING THE SPICE OF LIFEThe Rentaro Family is now ten girlfriends strong–his love can’t stop, won’t stop! And a good thing too, because according to the god of love, these...
BATTER UP!The Rentaro Eight is upgraded to a Nine, which means it’s time to play ball! Rentaro’s new girlfriend, Sutou Iku, has a practice match to win or else her...
THE SECRET INGREDIENT IS LOVEAs their eyes meet across the lunch line, Rentaro meets his newest soulmate in the feisty foodie Haraga Kurumi. But her hangry demeanor prevents her from...
YOUR LOVE, IF YOU CHOOSE TO ACCEPT ITHakari is being held prisoner in her own home! Her mother doesn’t believe that polyamory could bring Hakari the happiness she deserves. She...
LOVE WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE!Aijo Rentaro has 100 soulmates! That’s what the God of Love told him. That, and if he doesn’t return their feelings, they’ll die horrible deaths. Aijo...
BANG THOSE BALLS!The divine ritual of Vol-Ley seems perfectly suited for Sekai's caravan of buxom babes, but the opposing teams are composed of demihumans and demons with extra body parts...
FACE OFFNakoshi is getting closer to the crux of who he is, and he’s starting with his face—the one he used to have. One by one, the lies Nakoshi and Ito have...
The Hatsujima family have been tasked with taking on the role of saviors in dark fantasy world, but they’re on the verge of falling victim to the overwhelming horde of...
From beyond the walls of the fortress city comes a flood of refugees. The shadow of the terror of the Death threatens to assault the city. This is the beginning...
SHEDDING THE SKINS OF THE PASTMiyo and Daija have slowly grown closer as their unconventional relationship deepens. Now they feel ready to try and deepen their physical connection as well....
Toushirou, an omega, and Alex, his Nyartigian alpha mate, are now living together in bliss. But one day, Alex is called for a short-term assignment in the UK…and included is...
The hit fantasy adventure epic is getting its very first box set! Contains Vol. 1-5 of the original manga, which inspired the first season of the anime and the movie,...