A string of unusual disappearances has led Kuroko and Hinako to the heart of a small-town church. But even though the truth of one murder is revealed, it doesn't quite...
A bloody surprise turns a summer visit to the aquarium gruesome, but the details just aren't adding up. What should be a simple case of a man being eaten by...
Higaki, of the Sakura Pruning Group, was forged in the fires of war and fueled by a passion for revolution. Now an old man, he's engaged in a life-and-death battle...
After a chemical weapon attack on the police department, Kuroko tracks down the extremist group responsible and goes on the offensive! Will she be able to bring the organization's members...
When an inmate escapes from prison and declares war on the police, it's up to Kuroko to stop him. After several Diet members are slaughtered, Kuroko manages to find the...
Now under Kuroko's care, Rinko has just transferred to Hinako's school, and things are already off to a bad start! A sudden explosion rocks the school, and Kuroko is called...
Every time it rains, a different umbrella-carrying girl wearing boots is found dead, strangled by an unknown assailant. It's up to Kuroko to track down the killer, but with little...
In order to save Nanami, Kuroko has infiltrated the Virginal Rose, a group of women who have isolated themselves from the outside world. Surrounded by dozens of lovely ladies who...
As a former mass murderer, Kuroko Koumori knows a thing or two about how killers think. A string of deaths points straight to an ex-con-turned-business mogul who used to skin...
A rich old man has transformed his mansion into a twisted and deadly fun house. His goal: to make a sport of slaughtering Japan's criminal population! Can Kuroko Koumori, psychotic...
Mass murderers may not have much by way of careeer skills, but Kuroko Koumori seems to have landed her dream job as a hitwoman for the Tokyo police! A license...
Humans versus Goldfish has reached its final stage! As the survivors arrive at the hospital in hopes of concocting a pathogen to fight the goldfish, they’re surprised to see a...
SWEET DREAMSNaoe has been having trouble sleeping lately. It seems he has caught the eye of a creature that eats dreams, and she’s determined to give Naoe the strangest ones...
He’s Getting Lucky Whether He Likes It Or Not!Peter Grill, Strongest Man on Earth, is trapped in a harem nightmare of his own making. This time, he’s woken up in...
THE KINGDOM’S MOST ELIGIBLE STUD IS AT IT AGAINNo matter how hard he tries, Peter Grill can’t stop tripping and falling headlong into illicit affairs. Even the women in the...
It's the end of humanity as we know it--but are you a part of the zombie-human hive mind or about to die outside of it?With Hiromi absorbed into a huge,...
Revelations, new mutations, and new motivations abound in this penultimate collection!An odd observer in Barcelona pieces together the puzzle of the ZQN infestation before creator Kengo Hanazawa takes readers back...
Winner of the esteemed Shogakukan Manga Award and now a feature film!For mature readers! A small group of survivors, led by former manga creator Korori Nakata, considers breaking from a...
A best-selling international hit series, a major motion picture, and--according to the Anime News Network--"the greatest zombie manga ever."As the ZQN virus continues to mutate and alter those living and...
Opening this volume with a surprise visit to France, manga maestro Kengo Hanazawa continues to give fans glimpses at how the zombie apocalypse is affecting the rest of the world.Near...