Explore the world of Hirohiko Araki! Hirohiko Araki changed the face of manga forever when he created JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure! The epic story of the Joestar family spans generations, and iconic...
ON THE HUNTWhile investigating a vehicle collision, Officer Yang Seungbae discovers dashcam footage that plays into his suspicions about Oh Sangwoo. What will happen when he follows the evidence to...
It's never been easier to attack Attack on Titan than with these new, giant-sized 3-in-1 omnibus editions! If you've been waiting for the final anime season to check out the do-or-die shonen...
It's never been easier to attack Attack on Titan than with these new, giant-sized 3-in-1 omnibus editions! If you've been waiting for the final anime season to check out the do-or-die shonen...
This is definitely the bad kind of love... As Subaru continues to repeat events in the Sanctuary, he finally encounters the one being he should never interact with no matter...
Yoshida is just your average salaryman, drowning his tears in booze. On his way home one night, he finds a runaway high school girl sitting on the street. She offers...
The seventh layer of Aincrad—a massive casino where over half of the game’s beta testers dropped out before launch. Kirito, too, lost everything in its Monster Arena back then. When...
As the powerful ninja Shija flips between wanting to kill and wanting to be Gabimaru, the rest of the survivors fight for their lives! Safety is so close, and all...
Finally, Gabimaru's secret origin is revealed! Plus, a group of samurai and ninja who just arrived on the island have exactly one mission--to leave no one alive. Any who would...
The definitive guide to the Attack on Titan anime, just in time for season two! The creators behind the hit anime tell it all! Colossal-sized and in full color, this official guidebook...
Kamui and Fuma have made their decisions and chosen their sides, but at an appalling cost. A traumatized Kamui needs the kind of healing that only a powerful psychic can...
Operation Auction Sweep has turned into a bloodbath as the investigators face off against the ghouls of Aoigiri Tree’s security forces. And with victory for the CCG far from assured,...
While Kaneki and his friends tangle with the ghouls from the Aogiri Tree organization, the Commission of Counter Ghoul’s ongoing investigations bring them dangerously close to discovering Kaneki’s secret. Series...
Kaneki is still trying to get used to his new life when Commission of Counter Ghoul agents Mado and Amon start sniffing around for Hinami. Kaneki and Touka are going...
Haise Sasaki is no more. In his place, Ken Kaneki has emerged and accepted the role of the One-Eyed King. He sees a vision of the future where Ghouls and...
The Rushima Operation is reaching its sixth day, and both the CCG and the Ghouls are fighting at the edge of their limits. Under the extreme mental and physical stress,...
THE WAR IS OVER, BUT THE WEDDING IS JUST BEGINNING... After overcoming more obstacles than any couple should have to endure, Wilhelm and Theresia can finally be together. The hopeful...
When a devil falls for an angel... Long ago, a great war raged between the royal military of Lugunica and the demi-humans. On that battlefield, a noteworthy young warrior was...
The bestselling series from author Tappei Nagatsuki continues in this spin-off where some of your favorite characters capture the spotlight! Series Information Learn more about the series. Hover the bolded text...