Fans of supernatural horror manga will love this second volume as Mamoru must face a new challenge and protect his younger brothers!Learning new skills from a legendary guardian, Mamoru’s training...
Cursed to stand alone against monstrous creatures called Tengu, Mamoru Yamaemori is ready to sacrifice everything if it means keeping his younger brothers safe.In the mountains above Japan, Mamoru Yamaemori...
This groundbreaking young adult vampire series was created by a pioneer of the shojo/shonen-ai manga genres and one of the world's most influential cartoonists. In our concluding second volume, an...
One of the best-selling manga - by one of the most decorated cartoonists in the world - comes to the U.S., starring vampire teens. The Poe Clan: a race of...
Spanning four decades, A Drunken Dream and Other Stories is a selection of groundbreaking short stories written and drawn by one most influential comics creators in the world. Moto Hagio helped reinvent...
EVERYONE’S GOT A STORY TO TELL New magical girls arriving on the scene means a new collection of tales about their lives! You’ll get to experience the bonus origin story...
TO SAVE A FRIEND.A friend, a family member, a lover...everyone has someone they care about. And because of that, sometimes, they will fight desperately not to lose that someone. Inside...
MODERN WORLD, ANCIENT PROBLEMSIt’s 1872, year five of the Meiji era, and the world is rapidly changing, long leaving the samurai behind—but some things aren’t content to remain a memory...
AN UNLIKELY PACTIt is year two of the Bunkyu era. Six years have passed since the alcohol craze that stole yet more loved ones from Jinya’s life, but as time...
A FUNERAL AND A WEDDING?!Suddenly reincarnated in another world as a six-year-old slave, Linus has grown as a talented Barrier Master. Having rescued the First Princess Ricolette from a conspiracy, he has...
The fifth-floor boss, Fuscus the Vacant Colossus, brings the raid party to the brink of destruction when it reveals mechanics that are completely different from the game’s beta. On top...
From beyond the walls of the fortress city comes a flood of refugees. The shadow of the terror of the Death threatens to assault the city. This is the beginning...
Ryosuke Miyauchi may have survived a real-life death game three years ago, but the lingering trauma and guilt from having his girlfriend's blood on his hands has left him an empty...
In these times, if you're too good or bad at something or simply too beautiful, you're called a witch. But there also exist magical beings called witches, who can wield...
The hit fantasy adventure epic is getting its very first box set! Contains Vol. 1-5 of the original manga, which inspired the first season of the anime and the movie,...
Epic historical fiction meets scientific suspense in this award-winning tale that inspired an upcoming anime--available in English for the first time in oversized omnibus editions!A mysterious pendant sparks a quest...
The trials in the Pleiades Watchtower are underway! The promise of untold knowledge and maybe a way to save their friends is what brought Subaru's party here and though they...
Monica, the powerful but incredibly shy mage, just wants to quietly carry out her mission to guard the second prince. But now he’s taken notice of her and even appointed...
The sci-fi horror manga classic returns, in a fully-colorized, premium-quality hardcover for the first time! If you've never read the story of Shinichi and the polite and murderous alien infesting...
The Main Game is all about uncovering the truth―with multiple ways to lose by voting out the wrong player, doing so is a matter of life and death. But the...