Now an anime series!Hank and Schaal arrive at the small mining town of Coalwalls, situated within the borders of New Patria. Cain has made the town a Divine Protectorate under...
As their happy time as students of the Church comes to an end, Hank, Cain and Elaine start out on separate paths. Elaine struggles with doubts regarding her lonely research...
From the editors behind Attack on Titan and Flowers of Evil comes a new action fantasy title that combines western mythology and supernatural beings with imagery of the American Wild...
“Over and over our bodies were transformed. Back and forth between human and beast… Bodies and spirits alike shattered… Only the ones who retained their human forms and minds until...
From the editors behind Attack on Titan and Flowers of Evil comes a new action fantasy title that combines western mythology and supernatural beings with imagery of the American Wild West. Full of action...
Hank has decided to team up with Claude’s Incarnate extermination unit, Coup de Grace, for the time being. Their next target is Centaurus, guardian of the fortress at Bold Creek,...
Schaal travels with Liza and Coup de Grace, as she searches for the missing Hank. But along the journey, Major Claude announces that Hank is the next target for extermination...
One year after the incident at Whitechurch, Cain Madhouse leads a band of Incarnates and rouses disgruntled citizens to create a rebel nation called New Patria. Schall returns to Rivulet...
Schaal and Hnk travel to Whitechurch, where Hank hopes to find Cain Madhouse, the man who "loosed the Beasts upon the world." As Hank reveals his complicated relationship with Cain,...
During a protacted civil war that pitted the North against the South, the outnumbered Northerners used dark magic to create monsterous super-soldiers called Incarnates. Now that the war has ended,...
When a new student from Japan shows up at Bibi Blocksberg’s school, she fits in immediately. But Bibi’s suspicious; she knows Miyu’s hiding something, and she’s determined to find out...
Young witch Bibi Blocksberg was ecstatic when her new friend Miyu invited her to stay with her family in Japan for a cultural exchange trip. Unfortunately, ghost hunting keeps them...
When a new student from Japan shows up at Bibi Blocksberg’s school, she fits in immediately. But Bibi’s suspicious; she knows Miyu’s hiding something, and she’s determined to find out...
Mito, who has no family to rely on, lives on the streets, disguised as a boy. Ruka, an otaku vampire who's only interested in 2-D girls, saves her from a...
Ruzé, the long-lost twin brother of Ruka, has fallen hard for Mito, and attacks Ruka to steal her for himself! But Komori, the Progenitor of the Vampires, blocks his attack…and...
Mito and Ruka have weathered many challenges together… and no sooner are they engaged than the Patriot militia makes its move, led by none other than Ruka's long-lost brother, Ruzé!...
Now that Mito and Ruka each know how the other feels, their romance goes into overdrive as Ruka pops the question! However, Major Ruzé of the Patriots, a militia attempting...
“Thank you for protecting me… and for loving me.”Ruka has finally awakened to his true feelings towards Mito. Without regard for gender or destiny, he is in love. But, not...
Not wanting to give Mito up to Ruka, Ren uses his dhampir magic to turn her into a him! Mito's days pass one by one as the chance for Ruka...
Ren discovers Mito's secret—and asks her out! Meanwhile, Ruka returns to the Land of the Vampires only to be accosted for pursuing Mito rather than searching out his destined partner,...