Experience real-life chills as Junji Ito brings these "true" horror series to life! University student Mimi and her boyfriend Naoto encounter one chilling mystery after another. There's the enigmatic neighbor...
Suzume Iwato lives with her aunt in a quiet port town in Kyushu, Japan. One day, on her way to school, she runs into a young man searching for a...
Fans of Sailor Moon, She-Ra, and Miraculous: Dive into the original girl-power isekai adventure! CLAMP's masterwork returns in a large-format paperback. The tale of three Tokyo teenagers who cross through a magical portal...
Just when a series of mishaps leaves Nagi Yoroizuka at her lowest point yet, a childhood friend reappears to offer her a hand, but while she has only ever seen...
Shrouded in fog, the ability users of Yokohama are forced to fight against their own abilities. Akutagawa, eager to fight Rashomon, waits for his chance to strike. Meanwhile, Atsushi grows...
An action-packed thriller and source of the hit Netflix drama where the only way to survive is to play the game!Eighteen-year-old Ryohei Arisu is sick of his life. School sucks,...
THE CHRISTMAS SHOWDOWNThe Black Dragons are a brutal, bloodthirsty motorcycle gang, and their merger with Toman caused it to rot from the inside. Upon returning to the past, Takemichi collides...
High school girl Erika may be on Kyoya's leash, but she's determined to break free and unleash his heart! Fed up with her friends' constant bragging about their boyfriends, high...
Chainsaw Man's supernatural action returns in four new prose stories of devil-hunting partners! Power lives out her favorite anime by becoming a genius detective--or so she wants her "audience" to...
OF MONSTERS AND MENHounded by two transformed soldiers desperate for salvation and with Teacher reeling from revelations about his own forgotten former life, the past finally catches up to Teacher...
GETTING AWAY WITH MURDERThings didn’t end well for Min Jieun, and now Oh Sangwoo and Yoon Bum have a body on their hands. Can they dispose of it without getting...
Anne Halford is a candy crafter determined to follow in her mother's footsteps and become a Silver Sugar Master, a title bestowed only by royalty. In order to travel to...
Three-time Eisner Award winner Junji Ito invites you to the horrific Tomb Town and beyond. Countless tombstones stand in rows, forming a bizarre town. What fate awaits a brother and...
Complete the Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba experience with these exciting novels featuring original stories.Revisit the Demon Slayer Corps in these novels that each contain five tales of love, friendship, and courage!A mystical flower...
Why can’t I stop thinking about him?Misaki and Arikawa are two men, who are undeniably attracted to each other.And, when Misaki finds himself unable to control his pent-up feelings any...
There’s no time to rest—there are books to print! Despite being separated from her lower city friends, Rozemyne is too busy to grieve. Her first year at the Royal Academy...
Aoki is dating Ida, a boy in his class. In order to buy Ida a birthday present, Aoki started working part-time, but now it seems Ida doesn’t want Aoki to...
The prequel to the popular yakuza rom-com Fourth Generation Head: Tatsuyuki Oyamato!A yakuza head finds himself ensnared in the unwavering attentions of a sometimes impetuous but always cunning schemer. If being...
After constant moving, Chihiro and Haoran may have settled down, which means a house-warming party. This sudden sense of normalcy is a little strange for the two of them as...
An action-packed thriller and source of the hit Netflix drama where the only way to survive is to play the game!Eighteen-year-old Ryohei Arisu is sick of his life. School sucks,...