Manga based on the hit mobile video game from Disney, Twisted Wonderland!Stranded in the world of Twisted Wonderland, Yu must brave a magical school filled with ghosts, monsters, and uncooperative...
Trigun is a worldwide manga and anime sensation! Trigun Deluxe Edition collects Trigun Volume 1 and 2 in a beautiful hardcover featuring nearly 700 pages of Yasuhiro's Nightow's signature creation, collected for the first time in...
The sci-fi horror manga classic returns, in a fully-colorized, premium-quality hardcover for the first time! If you've never read the story of Shinichi and the polite and murderous alien infesting...
Since he was little, Taisei Fujima has been known as the pretty boy in his town, and throughout his pampered and self-indulgent life thus far, there has only been one...
With Madoka Kaname's sacrifice, the hopeless cycle that once bound every magical girl to a terrible fate was broken at last. Or was it...? All does not seem right with...
The creepy, the crawly, the grotesque―the daily lives of Miko and friends when ghostly monsters lurk around every corner! The official comic anthology, brought to you by a variety of...
From office workers to high schoolers to a mistress and her maid, dive into a collection of girls love stories from the author of Assorted Entanglements! Mikanuji delivers a tantalizing...
DAYS, MONTHS, YEARS SPILLING OUT THROUGH A CRACK IN A COFFEE CUP.A summer storm passes over the café, reminding Alpha that everything, even her memory, is changing all the time....
It is 1926, the first year of the Showa era. Kanoko, a girl who can hear lies, and impoverished but cunning detective Soma Iwai now face a murder on a...
Watching the news, Hanagaki Takemichi learns his junior-high girlfriend Tachibana Hinata has died. A sudden shove sends him 12 years into the past to face the Tokyo Manji Gang that...
Watching the news, Hanagaki Takemichi learns his junior-high girlfriend Tachibana Hinata has died. A sudden shove sends him 12 years into the past to face the Tokyo Manji Gang that...
The beautiful, critically acclaimed manga that was successfully Kickstarted into a feature-length anime! And don’t miss our other manga in English from creator Nagabe.In a land far away, there were two kingdoms:...
GUILTY PLEASUREAfter a tumultuous visit with the director, Mel heads home to Lynn, haunted by memories and the guilt they stir up. Will Mel let her regrets about what she...
AN ANGEL OF MERCY?Kunou Totonou keeps finding himself right in the middle of mystery after mystery. After taking a tumble down a hill, Totonou is hurt and ends up in...
There is good, and there is bad, and there is something that lies between. From there, the girl and the boy must move forward, toward whatever the future holds.
A new edition of the Sailor Moon manga, for a new generation of fans! Featuring an updated translation and high page count in a more affordable, portable edition, perfect to...
When Sata learns Erika gifted Kusakabe the same homemade sweet she offered him, he loses it—and the pair’s days as a pretend couple are over! Complicating matters, Kusakabe asks Erika...
School’s back in session, and though Erika is thrilled to see Kyoya again, she totally bombs her midyear exams. Faced with the prospect of Erika being held back, Kyoya offers...
The war against the madness expands to multiple fronts as Noah and Medusa each race to join up with Asura. DWMA seeks to stop them while keeping an eye on...
Can muscles crush magic?! In the magic realm, magic is everything—everyone can use it, and one’s skill determines their social status. Deep in the forest, oblivious to the ways of...