A century ago, the grotesque giants known as Titans appeared and consumed all but a few thousand humans. The survivors took refuge behind giant walls. Today, the threat of the Titans is a distant memory, and a boy named Eren yearns to explore the world beyond Wall Maria. But what began as a childish dream will become an all-too-real nightmare when the Titans return and humanity is once again on the brink of extinction …
Attack on Titan is the award-winning and New York Times-bestselling series that is the manga hit of the decade! Spawning the monster hit anime TV series of the same name, Attack on Titan has become a pop culture sensation.
OLD SCORES SETTLED The expedition to test out the Vertical Maneuvering Equipment and keep the Survey Corps alive is plagued by rain and poor conditions- nerves are tense when emergency...
Before the fall, and before the trials of "the Titan's son" Kyklo, a young smith by the name of Angel Aaltonen grappled with the giants as only a craftsman could......
What do you get when you combine a bunch of unstable teenagers, a school full of mysteries, and giant monsters? Attack on Titan: Junior High, one of the weirdest manga parodies...
ROCKIN' TITANS Eren and the gang start a band, in the hopes of taking the school festival by storm! But they face unexpected opposition in the school's mysterious idols, a...
SNOWBALL FIGHT ON TITANAs winter nears, a legend spreads through the student body about a mysterious "Snow Titan." When a sudden cold snap hits Attack Junior High, the story turns...
The final volume! The school-aged hijinks of your favorite Attack on Titan characters come to a sad but hilarious end in this extra-long, 512-page volume! Series Information Learn more about the series. Hover...
That day, Annie Leonhart woke up in the barracks. It was the morning of her day off. The feeling of freedom doesn’t last long, for tomorrow holds her biggest mission...
LOST GIRLS tells of the times and spaces in between the plot points, through the eyes and ears of the saga’s toughest—but more taciturn—heroines. What they thought, and felt, and...
Erwin's political enemies have hired Levi and his crew to take back some incriminating documents. Their reward: the right to live a proud life above ground, in the royal capital....
Contains Vol. 6-10 of Attack on Titan in an extra-large size, on premium-quality paper!Also includes an exclusive look at Isayama’s design work and an eight-page color crossover with the superheroes...
Attack on Titan: Colossal Edition Volume 3 is an oversized collection of volumes 11–15 of the Attack on Titan manga series!Weighing in at a massive 944 pages and a 7-inch...
Contains Volumes 16-20 of Attack on Titan in an extra-large size, on premium-quality paper! Attack on Titan: Colossal Edition 4 is an oversized collection of Volumes 16-20 of the Attack...
Contains Vol. 21-25 of Attack on Titan in an extra-large size, on premium-quality paper!Attack on Titan: Colossal Edition 5 is an oversized collection of Vols. 21-25 of the Attack on...
Contains Attack on Titan vol. 26-30 Series Information Learn more about the series. Hover the bolded text for more information. Story and Art by Hajime Isayama Series Page Attack On Titan...
Continue your journey outside the walls with the manga that inspired the FINAL SEASON of the hit anime Attack on Titan! Includes an EXCLUSIVE book of Attack on Titan short...
The epic battle concludes, with the LAST SIX VOLUMES of manga that inspired Attack on Titan: The Final Season! Includes an EXCLUSIVE book of Attack on Titan short stories never published in English!...
WHAT WAS HIS FATHER'S SIN? Captured by Rod Reiss, the rightful king, Krista and Eren finally have their memories back. What exactly happened to Eren, and what was the crime...
The manga megahit Attack on Titan, reinterpreted by some of comics' top talent! Featuring original stories by a long roster of comic superstars such as Scott Snyder (Batman, American Vampire), Gail Simone (Batgirl), Michael Avon...
From the brave warriors of the Survey Corps to the nameless villagers who end up as Titan chow, this detailed guide contains more than 200 entries on humans and others...
In the tradition of Choose Your Own Adventure, this interactive novel gives the reader a chance to meet their favorite characters and become a part of the Attack on Titan...