After finally learning the truth about his mother and his own connection to the Quincies, Ichigo now faces off against his true Zanpakuto. Meanwhile, the Vandenreich prepares its final plans...
Unable to use their Bankai special abilities, the Soul Reaper captains are at a severe disadvantage against the invading Quincy army. Urahara has a plan to turn the tide of...
Mask De Masculine’s onslaught continues as he takes on multiple Soul Reaper captains at once. However, he may have met his match when Renji makes his appearance. Meanwhile, the secrets...
As the battle between the Soul Reapers and Quincies continues to heat up, both sides start experiencing casualties. Yachiru now joins the battlefield and prepares to show her true powers...
The war between the Soul Reapers and the Quincies continues as an injured Kenpachi faces off against more Stern Ritters. Can Ichigo arrive in time to save the day again?!...
With Hitsugaya as her own personal zombie, Gigi continues her attack against the other soul reapers. Does Mayuri have a plan to turn the fight around? Meanwhile, Yhwach and his...
The Soul Reapers of Squad Zero continue their defense of the royal palace as Yhwach's strongest Quincies reveal their true powers! But when Hyosube, the leader of Squad Zero, joins...
With the death of Reio at the hands of the Quincy King Yhwach, the world starts to crumble. Hope seems lost until Ukitake performs a mysterious ceremony to save the...
With the death of Reio at the hands of the Quincy King Yhwach, the world starts to crumble. Soul Reaper Captain General Kyoraku enlists Aizen to help in the war...
Jugo and Bazz spent their childhood together, but their paths diverged once they met Yhwach. They now stand against each other as enemies, but what's truly in their hearts? Meanwhile,...
As Mayuri struggles against the monstrosity that is Pernida, his daughter Nemu joins the battle. For the first time, Nemu disobeys Mayuri's orders and acts on her own. But will...
With Kyoraku gravely injured, it'll be up to his adjutant Nanao to protect him. But can she master her newly revealed sword in time to make a difference? Meanwhile, Uryu's...
Facing a powerful opponent, the mysterious Kisuke Urahara is forced to reveal his Bankai for the first time. Meanwhile, Ichigo finally makes it to Yhwach’s throne room, but what can...
The final battle against Yhwach gets under way as Ichigo and his allies reach the Quincy King’s throne room. Can Ichigo put an end to the thousand-year war between the...
Part-time student, full-time Soul Reaper, Ichigo is one of the chosen few guardians of the afterlife.Ichigo Kurosaki never asked for the ability to see ghosts—he was born with the gift....
Part-time student, full-time Soul Reaper, Ichigo is one of the chosen few guardians of the afterlife.Ichigo Kurosaki never asked for the ability to see ghosts—he was born with the gift....
Part-time student, full-time Soul Reaper, Ichigo is one of the chosen few guardians of the afterlife.Ichigo Kurosaki never asked for the ability to see ghosts—he was born with the gift....
The bestselling paranormal action adventure manga series Bleach continues in novel form as an all-new threat arises! The Quincies’s Thousand Year Blood War is over, but the embers of turmoil still smolder...
The bestselling paranormal action adventure manga series Bleach continues in novel form as an all-new threat arises! The Quincies’ Thousand Year Blood War is over, but the embers of turmoil still smolder...
The bestselling paranormal action adventure manga series Bleach continues in novel form as an all-new threat arises! The Quincies’ Thousand Year Blood War is over, but the embers of turmoil still smolder...