Born the crown prince of a prosperous kingdom, Xie Lian was renowned for his beauty, strength, and purity. His years of dedication and noble deeds allowed him to ascend...
NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLER! Also known as MDZS, the blockbuster danmei/Boys’ Love novels from China that inspired comics, animation, and the live-action series The Untamed! This historical fantasy tale of...
Half-demon Luo Binghe rose from humble beginnings and a tortured past to become unrivaled in strength and beauty. With his harem of over three hundred wives, and dominion over both...
It is year twenty-five of the Yuantai Era of the Great Zhou Empire. The renowned Marquis of Jingning, commander of the Beiyan Cavalry, Fu Shen is injured on the battlefield...
"Until the day humanity falls." In the year 2020, Earth's magnetic poles disappeared and humankind was nearly wiped out by cosmic radiation. Within the span of a hundred years, living...
Shen Zechuan is the eighth son of the traitorous Prince of Jianxing, a man who doomed his cities and people to destruction at the hands of the foreign enemy. As...
In this novel series originally released in Chinese—and which inspired a number of multimedia adaptations—two disaffected young men stuck in a run-down city discover that everything changes once they find...
Bookseller's note: This is not a limited edition. According to the publisher, they will keep on reprinting this as long as there's demand. Additionally, the interior is the same as the...
In this danmei/Boys' Love novel series originally released in Chinese–and coming to the English language for the first time–a man is transported into the historical world of a webnovel to...
The steampunk danmei/Boys' Love novels from China that inspired multimedia adaptations--written by priest, the author behind live-action hits Guardian and Word of Honor!The discovery of violet gold, a vital fuel for steam-powered machines,...
The modern fantasy danmei/Boys’ Love trilogy about gods, ghosts, and supernatural investigations—inspired the popular live-action drama streaming in English! Zhao Yunlan is Chief of the Special Investigations Department: a secret...
MAJOR trigger warnings: Book includes but is not limited to rape, underage sex, gore, mass murder, torture, cannibalism, suicide, etc. --------------------------------------------------------- The wildly popular danmei/Boys’ Love novel series from China...
Also known as BAB, the newest Chinese danmei/Boys' Love novel series from the blockbuster author of The Husky and His White Cat Shizun!A modern tale with a sci-fi edge: an elite young man...
Even if trapped in darkness, one will always search for the light. This is a story of a young police officer searching for the answer to "Who am I?" In...
The wildly popular danmei/Boys' Love novel series from China set in the universe of The Husky and His White Cat Shizun!A historical fantasy epic about two war generals who were once...
This danmei/Boys' Love novel series originally released in Chinese–and coming to the English language for the first time–is set in the universe of the author's other popular novel and animated...
The beloved danmei/Boys’ Love wuxia novel series from China that inspired the donghua (animated series) streaming in English!In this historical tale, a Daoist martial artist must begin a journey of...
This publisher has a lower wholesale discount; thus, prices are higher. I have everything. All that's missing is your love. Be mine, or let me be yours. The only thing that could...
This Mature-rated danmei/Boys’ Love novel series originally released in Chinese–and coming to the English language for the first time–is a raunchy romantic comedy about an ancient singles club!It's not easy...
This book has a lower wholesale discount, hence, the price is higher. Kids make choices, Adults make love. --Rose and Renaissance Cool and alpha to his core, playboy Xia Xiqing...