BASED ON THE HIT SUPERHERO ANIME! In a strange, alternate version of Tokyo, superhumans walk the streets: aliens, mutants, paranormals, and other impossible creatures. Jiro Hitoyoshi, a human agent in...
The critically acclaimed shoujo manga about the drama of all-women musical theater–now an anime! Watanabe Sarasa has always dreamed of being an otokoyaku, an actress who plays male roles in an all-female...
BASED ON THE HIT YURI GAME!Mako and Shiori are childhood best friends trying to repair a rift in their friendship…or possibly turn it into something more. Meanwhile, fellow student Hase...
Moritani Misuzu is a quiet high school girl with a very unusual power: for three minutes a day she can freeze time. When Moritani uses her ability to peek up...
Uno Issei is still in high school when his mother remarries. His mom’s new husband, Masaru, is a nice enough guy, he just happens to be a unicorn. Sometimes in...
LOVE IS A TWO-PLAYER GAMETakagi just started her dream job at a gaming company! Not only that, but she’ll be working for her idol, the famous game designer Sakurazuki Kaori!...
A heartwarming transgender love story, based on true events! A diary comic with an upbeat, adorable flair that tells the charming tale of Chii, a woman assigned male at birth....
The classic LGBT+ story by the creative master of Rose of Versailles!Born as “Claudine” in a female-assigned body that doesn’t reflect the man inside, this heart-wrenching story follows Claudine through...
Based on the short story by Hugo Award–winning author Cixin Liu! One mysterious day, over twenty thousand otherworldly spaceships settle into stable orbit around Earth. Six months later, in a...
A full-color book for the popular Shiba Inu characters appearing in LINE stickers and stationery! Follow the capers of a group of canines in this collection of hilarious comics. Meet...
Ritsu is willing to do anything for her best friend Ichika, including the intimate act of cleaning her ears. But when Ichika starts dating a boy, Ritsu realizes that she...