Kei is reunited with his beloved Tae only to be torn from her and returned to the streets, where the Gantz warriors are hunted “terrorists,” accused of sabotaging the truce...
The truce with the alien invaders begins to crumble, and this time the humans are gaining the upper hand. Kei discovers that his beloved Tae still lives, and the race...
THE END IS NEAR! The penultimate Gantz! The tide of the alien war has turned in humanity’s favor, and victory may be at hand. Gantz warriors aboard the orbiting alien mother...
Final volume! Gantz reaches its apocalyptic conclusion! The alien invaders have been defeated, but aboard their goliath orbiting mother ship, their final champion sends a challenge to Gantz warrior Kei Kurono:...
The Tokyo Gantz squad of alien fighters join with the battle-hardened Osaka team to face the insanely powerful boss class of offworld horrors. But when facing the beautiful but deadly...
It's good news/bad news for the alien-fighting Gantz warriors. The good news: Kei Kurono is back on the Tokyo team, resurrected after his second death. The bad? A massive unknown flying warship...
Gantz teams worldwide are being wiped out as colossal alien mechs begin the systematic eradication of humankind. And matters for the Gantz warriors grow infinitely worse when the Gantz orbs...
While Gantz teams make a desperate assault against the alien mothership to free the imprisoned humans—including Kei’s beloved Tae—the public receives news that the devastating war is over! To the...