In the small village of Amun lives a poor boy named Theo. Theo adores books, but because of his pointed ears and impoverished life, he isn’t allowed to use the...
Theo has set out from his hometown on a journey to the great city of Aftzaak with three goals: to see the city he’s longed for his whole life, to...
Theo has completed the first part of the grueling exam to become a kafna, but he’s not in the clear yet–there are two more trials he must face. Even if...
Theo has returned to Aftzaak, the magisterial City of Books. Passing the exams to become a kafna was hard enough. Now he has to compete against his fellow trainees–fighters and...
Theo has passed the exam to become a kafna and has begun his apprenticeship in the great library of Aftzaak. Kind and talented, Theo is friendly to everyone. Yet, one of his...
A story about a poor boy swept away by a kind library mage and the (literal) magic of reading, Magus of the Library is a beautifully-drawn, spirited fantasy adventure, like...
Mulligad, a thrilling action-adventure novel in which the titular character slaughters every member of the upper class, is the talk of the town. Yet not everyone is a fan. Critics...