In a world where everything is decided by games, adorable (but foulmouthed) Izuna Hatsuse is a young Werebeast girl who wants to learn more. As she follows Sora, Shiro, and...
It's Izuna's time to shine, please! The girls get trapped in a digital dungeon crawler, but Izuna ain't worried! She can get through these adva...adversa...ENEMIES in no time flat. Nothing's...
Are there...TWO Izunas?! That's too damn many, please! When the old gods come calling, there's no end to the craziness... Later, a snack thief is on the loose and it's...
Situation critical! The monarchs of Elkia--and Izuna and Holou too!--have been trapped inside the bathhouse for four days and counting. It's beyond time to stage a rescue mission, but how?...