The bizarre serial killer who murders her victims by instigating accidents while she’s riding in their cars has targeted the rookie Kura investigator Fukusen! To make matters even stranger, Fukusen’s...
In this heartwrenching new yuri manga, a teenage girl comes to terms with her own sexuality through her crush on her brother’s wife. Hopelessly in love, high schooler Uta must...
The manga adaptation of the hit light novel series from J-Novel Club–now an anime!While on a job, Dale–a young but accomplished adventurer–comes across a little demon girl all alone in...
Sometimes the greatest romantic adventure isn’t falling in love—it’s what happens after you fall in love!After missing out on love because she was too shy to confess her feelings, high...
Sometimes the greatest romantic adventure isn’t falling in love—it’s what happens after you fall in love!After missing out on love because she was too shy to confess her feelings, high...
Sometimes the greatest romantic adventure isn’t falling in love—it’s what happens after you fall in love! After missing out on love because she was too shy to confess her feelings,...
A gorgeously illustrated tale about childhood friends, unrequited love, and the power of imagination! Back when Tasuku was a kid, he harbored a secret: he was in love with his...
Uruwashi no Yoi no Tsuki by Mika Yamamori Prince meets prince in this offbeat high school romance, where two picture-perfect teens must see past appearances to understand what being in...
"Prince" meets prince in this offbeat high school romance, where two picture-perfect teens must see past appearances to understand what being in love really means. Don't miss out on another...
The 17-year-old Kotoko has a unique situation. When she was a child, she was kidnapped by spirits called yōkai, and returned missing one leg and one eye. Since then, she...
In the year 2043, Infinite Dendrogram, the world's first successful full-dive VRMMO (Virtual Reality Massive Multiplayer Online RPG) was released. In addition to its ability to perfectly simulate the five...
With an unexpected clue now in hand, Yori and Isao wait for further contact from Mari. Unfortunately, neither one of them is strong enough currently to handle this sudden turn...
After scouring town looking for Yori, Mari is reunited with her lone friend. But now the two have to turn their attention on finding out what actually happened to Mari.A...
Without Isao in Mari's life her body is just a shell. But what caused this catatonic state is more than a disassociation from that college dropout. A peak at Mari's...
BEYOND PRIMEIchiro Inuyashiki is down on his luck. While only 58 years old, his geriatric looks often have him written off as a pathetic old man by the world around...
Lights, camera, Boys’ Love! Ponjirou is a rookie actor trying his best to land a breakout role. He fears that his weight stands in the way of his dreams. One...
Uichi Rogi is in a bind, both literally and figuratively, when he meets Akitora Oyamato, the yakuza head who’s come to collect a debt from Uichi’s lover. Instantly smitten, Uichi...
College student Tsuneo loves the ocean and the creatures it harbors, and he dreams of studying abroad in faraway waters. All he needs is enough funds to go, so when...
When a cursed womb appears at a detention facility, Jujutsu High dispatches Itadori and the other first-years to handle the situation. However, the curse they encounter is far stronger than...
Yuji Itadori and his classmates are fighting two of the three reincarnated Cursed Womb: Death Paintings brothers. Meanwhile, Megumi Fushiguro loses consciousness after finally defeating a special grade curse that...