The school-city of Rokka-also known as "Asterisk." Here boys and girls of the Starpulse Generation all compete in the Seibusai-the "star battle festival," fighting for glory on the greatest combat...
A two-hundred-year-long nap has left Mariela the only alchemist in town-except that's a secret she definitely won't be sharing. In order to hide her true origins, she's going undercover as...
Komugi’s not sure what to expect when her family moves to the remote northern island of Hokkaido, and she starts at a new high school. But she certainly didn’t expect...
After Rin shares some profound insights with Komugi about her crush, she learns it’s easier to bottle up her feelings for the wolf-boy, Yu. As Komugi gets to really know...
When the village you call home exists alongside the most dangerous dungeon in the land, the word "weak" is completely relative in this manga adaptation of the popular light novel...
Ten is taken aback by Chiaki’s unexpected kiss. He confesses his feelings for her, well aware of how she feels about Riku. How will Ten respond? Series Information Learn more...
Riku’s kiss sends Ten into a panic. While she tries to understand why he kissed her, Riku is surprised by his own actions. Meanwhile, Chiaki’s feelings for Ten grow. Series...
From the popular Seraph of the End series comes the latest prequel of the manga! After the events of Seraph of the End: Catastrophe at Sixteen... Guren Ichinose has committed a grievous sin—by...
High-octane girls' soccer action mixes with the drama of high school in this cleats-out manga from the creator of Your Lie in April! Facing a complete and utter blowout, the team...
TIME SPARES NO ONE... With the path to the Trial clear again, Emilia readies her mind and body to challenge her past once more. Though she has finally gained access...
THE CAPTURER IS CAPTURED!Katarina has been kidnapped! And it seems like Selena–Jeord’s brother’s fiancée–is the culprit! As if that weren’t bad enough, Jeord has received a letter demanding he renounce...
For years, Yuri has trained his muscles deep in the Forest of Death. One day, he grows so strong he can even withstand the power of magic! When a (self-proclaimed)...
"The key to the birth of this monster must be in my memory!" Nina remains in Prague hoping the experience will help her recall what happened in her childhood. At...
THE ROAD TO LOVE IS NON-BINARYThe more Tetsu gets to know Mogumo, the more he finds himself falling for his non-binary classmate! On top of that, he’s also dealing with...
Iku and Commander Inamine are abducted by Bakushu-kai terrorists, who demand sensitive material from the library’s protected collection in return for the hostages! Dojo is worried about Iku, his problem...
After an unexpectedly challenging journey, Ray and his party finally arrive at Gideon, The City of Duels. The mere sight of the towering arenas and thriving fantasy townscapes is enough...
An epic tale of swords, sorcery, and smartphone apps begins! After a freak accident involving some lightning winds up zapping him dead, 15-year-old Mochizuki Touya wakes up to find himself...
The Demon Lords of Calamity have been vanquished. We’ve plumbed the depths of Latina’s past and even taken a look at her far off future. And Dale and Latina have...
The Demon Lords of Calamity have been defeated and Latina’s past has been revealed, so what’s left for our heroes but a wedding? Well, a whole awful lot, it turns...