Using his ability to repeat past events, a power named "Return by Death," Subaru has saved the half-elf girl Emilia from a grim fate. However, his celebration is violently cut...
Working at Roswaal Manor as a humble servant, Subaru thought he had reached a comfortable new life with Emilia, Rem, and Ram. However, his unexpected demise puts that naive illusion...
Having experienced agonizing death numerous times at Roswaal Manor, Subaru seeks to defy his fate once again. Enlisting the help of the diminutive yet powerful Beatrice, Subaru might finally overcome...
To save himself from another cycle of death and rebirth, Subaru must confront the beast in the forest. But what will happen to him there when his dear friend Rem...
What you forget, I'll always remember. Subaru hasn't known peace since he first came to this world, but after surviving the demon beast attack, he has finally found some respite....
Having survived both his encounter with the demon beasts and the nigh endless week at Roswaal Manor, Subaru returns to the capital of Lugunica with Emilia and Rem. Reuniting with...
Subaru continues to support Emilia in her campaign to become the new Queen of Lugunica. But another candidate shows up, and it's the last person Subaru expected!
Change the World, One Life at a Time Whether in a dinner with royal candidate Crusch Karsten or another sparring session with master swordsman Wilhelm, Subaru is often reminded that...
Change the World, One Life at a Time Hoping to prevent a bloody massacre at Roswaal Manor, Subaru is desperate for help...even from Emilia's rival, Crusch Karsten! However, the negotiating...
Let us start over from here. From one...No. From zero! After a near-fatal encounter with the White Whale, Subaru awakens in Roswaal Manor distraught. As the very memory of Rem...
Subaru returns to Crusch Karsten's door intent on avoiding the mistakes that led to his latest fatal encounter. He proposes an alliance between Emilia's and Crusch's camps...and to sweeten the...
I dedicate this to my wife, Theresia van Astrea... A single White Whale is a nightmare; three might just be a harbinger of the end! With Wilhelm, the Sword Devil,...
Fight! The battle against the White Whale has concluded, but Subaru's fight is far from over. He knows the Witch Cultists have their eyes on Emilia, so he's brought forces-including...
-Now you get to feel the terror of being crushed by someone three steps ahead of you! Once more, the Mathers domain is the stage for conflict, and Subaru goes...
-It was that simple a story. Armed with the knowledge and experience he has gained through Return by Death, Subaru seeks to defeat the dreaded Archbishop of Sloth, Petelgeuse, once...
With you, starting life in another world from zero—Thanks to the power of Return by Death, Subaru Natsuki has finally and utterly overcome his persistent foe, the Archbishop of Sloth,...
On to the next stage: the witch’s tomb known as the Sanctuary—Determined to release Rem from a mysterious slumber, Subaru and Emilia return to Roswaal’s manor in search of clues...
Before Return by Death, a Fateful Tale Woven by Girl and SpiritDeep within the isolated Great Elior Forest, a freezing land covered in snow and ice, lives a girl feared...
This is definitely the bad kind of love... As Subaru continues to repeat events in the Sanctuary, he finally encounters the one being he should never interact with no matter...
A CITY OF HIDDEN DEPTHS!In the year since the Battle of the Sanctuary, Subaru Natsuki has been busy honing his skills alongside Emilia and the other members of their merry...