In an unexpected turn of events, Gon, Killua, and their sometime enemy Hisoka pull off a stunning victory in a heated game of deadly dodge ball, working together to defeat...
The multi-trillionaire Battera hires Gon and Killua to play the Greed Island video game for him, just as the two had hoped. But when they enter the game and head...
Gon's going home to share his Hunter success with Aunt Mito, but Whale Island has a surprise in store for Gon--a message from his father to "come and find me."...
Gon and Killua are diligently studying the ways of Nen with master Wing at Heavens Arena. When Gon successfully completes the Nen teachings, he also passes the final (and secret)...
Gon's new friend Killua may have run away from home, but that doesn't mean his family is willing to let him leave. Killua's parents sent his older brother Illumi to...
The fourth exam rages on as the Hunter hopefuls try to gain points by stealing each other's badges. Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio fall into a trap set for another applicant...
Gon and his teammates have been challenged by a group of criminals hired by the Hunter Association. Gon wins with wits, and Kurapika's red-eyed rage assures a victory. But Leorio...
The practice game with Date Tech continues, and Karasuno clumsily dances around their new techniques in an attempt to break through the Iron Wall. But will any of these techniques...
A new player emerges in the underground world of villains in the form of the Meta Liberation Army. Led by the CEO of the Detnerat Corporation, the MLA is preparing...
The final match of the battle training between Class A and Class B continues. Zapped by Shinso’s mind control, Midoriya enters a fugue state where he meets one of the...
With All Might in retirement, Endeavor takes up the mantle of the number one hero, a position he’s coveted for years. But now that he has it, he’s not entirely...
In the wake of tragedy, Class 1-A prepares for the upcoming culture festival. While the students are busy planning for success, other forces are at work with their own agendas,...
Midoriya is in the fight of his life—an all-out battle with Overhaul, who has unleashed his terrifying power. Midoriya is matching it with his own power, pushing One For All...
Summer vacation is over, and it’s back to school for the students of U.A. High! But before classes can get started, Midoriya and Bakugo need to settle a beef between...
The students of Class 1-A have reached another milestone—the Provisional Licensing Exam. After making it through the first part of the test, they ready themselves for the next phase, which...
Class 1-A is working on developing their ultimate moves—a process that will test their strength and creativity in all-new ways! To help them out, Mei Hatsume, a student from the...
The League of Villains has kidnapped Bakugo, and the resulting negative publicity has thrown U.A. into a huge uproar. With the public’s trust in heroes threatened, the faculty convenes to...
It’s off to summer camp for Midoriya and the U.A. students! But this is no ordinary vacation—it’s high-impact training where the students are expected to develop their Quirks even further!...
Midoriya has learned a few tricks from Gran Torino, but some things just have to be experienced to be understood. Even though he’s not ready, when the League of Villains...
In the aftermath of the sports festival, the Class 1-A students begin their internships. Midoriya goes to study under Gran Torino, who was once All Might’s mentor. Gran Torino appears...