The critically acclaimed manga series about a man time-traveling back to his youth to save his girlfriend from a street gang–which inspired the wildly popular anime and live-action film! Watching...
THE RAZOR’S EDGEAfter leaping 12 years into his past, Takemichi has now fallen in with two leaders of the Toman gang, Mikey and Draken. He’s failed to avoid an encounter...
After the atack at the party, Yuri goes to see Oya to thank him for saving her and as much as she hates to admit it, she can't deny there's...
Watching the news, Hanagaki Takemichi learns his junior-high girlfriend Tachibana Hinata has died. A sudden shove sends him 12 years into the past to face the Tokyo Manji Gang that...
HOW CAN WE NOT TALK ABOUT FAMILY WHEN FAMILY’S ALL WE GOT?Takemichi has returned to the present to find himself the first division leader of the violent criminal organization the...
THE CHRISTMAS SHOWDOWNThe Black Dragons are a brutal, bloodthirsty motorcycle gang, and their merger with Toman caused it to rot from the inside. Upon returning to the past, Takemichi collides...
One night at Cherryton Academy, an herbivore student is brutally murdered. Among the members of the Drama Club, the herbivores’ suspicions naturally turn to their carnivore classmates… The prime suspect?...
BETRAYAL IS WORSE THAN DEATH IN MOST CASESTakemichi’s attempts to return Baji to the fold have failed, and when he returns to the future, he discovers things are even worse...
Masterless samurai Akitsu Masanosuke is a skilled and loyal swordsman, but his naïve, diffident nature has more than once caused him to be let go by the lords who employ...