The prequel to the supernatural exorcist adventure Jujutsu Kaisen! In a world where cursed spirits feed on unsuspecting humans, fragments of the legendary and feared demon Ryomen Sukuna were lost and...
Although Yuji Itadori looks like your average teenager, his immense physical strength is something to behold! Every sports club wants him to join, but Itadori would rather hang out with...
Yuji Itadori and his classmates are fighting two of the three reincarnated Cursed Womb: Death Paintings brothers. Meanwhile, Megumi Fushiguro loses consciousness after finally defeating a special grade curse that...
When a cursed womb appears at a detention facility, Jujutsu High dispatches Itadori and the other first-years to handle the situation. However, the curse they encounter is far stronger than...
While investigating a strange set of mysterious deaths, Itadori meets Junpei, a troubled kid who is often bullied at school. However, Junpei is also befriended by the culprit behind the...
Tensions are high as the Goodwill Event between the Tokyo and Kyoto campuses of Jujutsu High approaches. But before the competition can even begin, a couple of Kyoto students confront...
Yatora is the perfect high school student, with good grades and lots of friends. It’s an effortless performance, and, ultimately…a dull one. But he wanders into the art room one...
Everyone’s surprised (and not necessarily in a good way) when they find out Itadori is still alive, but there’s no time for a heartwarming reunion when Jujutsu High is in...
Despite the crowd of civilians and transfigured humans, Satoru Gojo is able to defeat the cursed spirits at Shibuya Station. But it’s a trap! The cursed spirits possess a special...
Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto have been assigned a mission to escort the Star Plasma Vessel to Master Tengen. When they’re ambushed by Toji Fushiguro, a mercenary known as the...
Despite the injuries and losses they suffered in an attack on the Goodwill Event, the students of Jujutsu High have little time rest as people start dying under mysterious circumstances....
In order to regain use of his crippled body, Kokichi Muta, otherwise known as Mechamaru, has been acting as an informant for the cursed spirits. He’s prepared for the betrayal...
With the Adlers and Black Jackals match in full swing and years of rivalry and friendship thrown out into the open, Hinata and Kageyama continue to duke it out on...
Yuki is a typical college student, whose world revolves around her friends, social media, and the latest sales. But when a chance encounter on a train leads to her meeting...
After losing his first and last volleyball match against Tobio Kageyama, “the King of the Court,” Shoyo Hinata swears to become his rival after graduating middle school. But what happens...
During the Goodwill Event, the Kyoto School's authorities order their students to assassinate Itadori. However, Mahito and a horde of special grade curses and curse users complicate matters by attacking...
Art has changed the course of Yatora’s once dull life, and now he’s aiming for Japan’s most competitive art school. With entrance exams a year away, he’ll need to expand...
Bookseller's note: Tankobonbon ordered multiple batches of this book due to the overwhelming demand. The first batch arrived on November 5 (all reserved for those who pre-ordered) The second batch...
Dagon has evolved into a terrifying curse, releasing a flood of endless cursed energy attacks at Nabito, Maki, and Nanami! At the same time, a group of curse users devoted...
The critically acclaimed manga series about a man time-traveling back to his youth to save his girlfriend from a street gang–which inspired the wildly popular anime and live-action film! Watching...