Yuki is a typical college student, whose world revolves around her friends, social media, and the latest sales. But when a chance encounter on a train leads to her meeting...
Why must the time we spend together always be so short? Yuki’s a hearing-impaired college student whose path crosses with Itsuomi, an upperclassman from her school. Against all expectations, Itsuomi...
Does he really see me as a girl? Yuki’s a Deaf college student who is at first enchanted by and soon falls in love with an upperclassman in her school...
“I wish Itsuomi-san would take me into his world…” Yuki, a deaf college student who’s led a relatively sheltered life, has just taken a huge step: She’s got a boyfriend!...
Yuki is a typical college student--it's just that she can't hear. A chance encounter on a train leads to a serious crush...but will he give her a chance? A sweet...
Yuki is a typical college student--it's just that she can't hear. A chance encounter on a train leads to a serious crush...but will he give her a chance? A sweet...
"I'm falling all over again for this new side of him…"Emma ambushed Itsuomi at school and dragged him to the arcade, where he was brutally honest about his lack of...
"There are still parts of me-words, faces-that I’ve never shown you..." Emma's relentless pursuit of Itsuomi has hit a wall, and Shin is left to pick up the pieces, if...
Emma's relentless pursuit of Itsuomi has hit a wall, and Shin is left to pick up the pieces, if Emma will let him. Meanwhile, Oushi-kun's sudden confession makes Yuki anxious...
"There are still parts of me-words, faces-that I’ve never shown you..."Emma's relentless pursuit of Itsuomi has hit a wall, and Shin is left to pick up the pieces, if Emma...
The best-selling shojo romance manga from the creator of Shortcake Cake gets a new, large-sized omnibus edition! Yuki is a typical college student--it's just that she can't hear. A chance encounter on...
The best-selling shojo romance manga from the creator of Shortcake Cake gets a new, large-sized omnibus edition! Yuki is a typical college student--it's just that she can't hear. A chance encounter on...