Yoi Takiguchi, known as a “prince” among her peers, has embarked on an experimental dating relationship with Ichimura-sempai, the school's elusive other “prince.” At first, Yoi intended to explore her...
A new manga from the creator of the acclaimed A Silent Voice, featuring intimate, emotional drama and an epic story spanning time and space…A lonely boy wandering the Arctic regions...
For some reason, Taichi Ichinose just can’t stand Futaba Kuze. But at the start of his third year in high school, he finds himself in the same homeroom as her,...
The Tokyo training camp is halfway done, and Karasuno is starting to see some results from all their extra practice. The new version of the Freak Quick just isn’t working...
The Inter-High match between Karasuno and Aoba Johsai continues. Star setter Tohru Oikawa has figured out the secret behind Kageyama and Hinata’s quick sets and has them on the ropes!...
The longer Hori and Miyamura keep each other's secrets, the closer they get. When Hori blurts out an inadvertent "I like you," will Miyamura respond in kind? Or could the...
In this critically acclaimed romantic crime drama, a yakuza granddaughter is sent from Osaka to marry the grandson of a rival family in Tokyo! Yoshino grew up as the yakuza...
Yuki is a typical college student--it's just that she can't hear. A chance encounter on a train leads to a serious crush...but will he give her a chance? A sweet...
A heart-wrenching single-volume story about the struggles of being an artist, from the creator of Chainsaw Man. The overly confident Fujino and the shut-in Kyomoto couldn't be more different, but a...
Kenma Kozume gives his all rally after rally, wishing that the game would go on forever. But unfortunately, the longtime dream of Nekoma and Karasuno’s Dumpster Battle on the national...
Nene and Akane are rescued from the clutches of a horde of supernaturals by School Mystery No. 6...only for him to immediately kidnap Aoi?! With so many School Mystery seats...
Futaba Yoshioka thought all boys were loud and obnoxious until she met Kou Tanaka in junior high. But as soon as she realized she really liked him, he had already...
"Prince" meets prince in this offbeat high school romance, where two picture-perfect teens must see past appearances to understand what being in love really means. Don't miss out on another...
A Plea From the FutureOn the day that Naho begins 11th grade, she recieves a letter from herself ten years in the future. At first, she writes it off as...
It all started like a typical old-school boys’ love plotline—bad-boy senior meets adorably awkward underclassman, one of them falls in love, and so on and so forth. But although Miyano...
Timid Tadano is a total wallflower, and that’s just the way he likes it. But all that changes when he finds himself alone in a classroom on the first day...
If Nene and Kou want to return to their own world, they have to kill “Amane Yugi” and “Sousuke Mitsuba”-or rather, the versions of them living within the canvas of...
Day 3 of the Spring Tournament gets off to a calamitous start when Karasuno makes a critical mistake and loses the first set to Nekoma! In the second set, Karasuno...
Hinata boldly declares that he won’t close his eyes for the freak quick anymore, but Kageyama isn’t having any of it. The two of them fight, setting the entire team...
Aoki has a crush on Hashimoto, the girl in the seat next to him in class. But he despairs when he borrows her eraser and sees she’s written the name...