The critically acclaimed manga series about a man time-traveling back to his youth to save his girlfriend from a street gang–which inspired the wildly popular anime and live-action film! Watching...
As a struggling office worker, Dokja Kim's sole joy in life is an online novel so obscure that he's its only reader. Then one day the story comes to an...
Relief is short-lived for Yatora after his first competition, where his piece was higher ranked than he expected, but far from his dream school’s standards. While he’s prepared to give...
THE TOUCH OF A HAND, A ROLL OF THE DICE Xie Lian has confirmed that the bewitching youth San Lang is actually Hua Cheng, one of the Four Calamities...
The next raid overseen by the Hunters Association brings together the survivors of the double dungeon incident for the first time since the tragedy. Fortunately, this next raid should be...
The wildly popular Korean novels that inspired the hit webtoon! A man who wants nothing more than to kick back and relax must use his wit and wiles to survive...
As Quanxi and the members of the Special Division battle it out over Denji, the mysterious Santa Claus makes his move. But things are not as they appear, and nobody...
Old Friends, New Enemies Against all odds, Shin and the Eighty-Six have emerged victorious from their battle with the Morpho, liberating scores of surviving Republic citizens from the Legion's dark...
A mad young coach gathers soccer players from across the country to compete in a series of bizarre challenges in a high-tech colosseum he calls Blue Lock. It's a no-balls-barred...
In this full-color fantasy comic, a modern woman is reincarnated as the doomed princess in a romance novel—and reaches out to grab a new future with both baby fists! The...
NOTHING VENTURED, NO XP GAINED Frustrated at the slow pace of their relationship, Hirotaka asks Narumi on a real date, with one critical stipulation: They can’t show their otaku sides...
Ritsuka Uenoyama is bored with it all—with school, with his basketball club, and even with his one true passion: playing guitar. That is, until the day he finds his favorite...
An end to the endless war. The possibility of stopping the Legion once and for all. Such is humanity’s most fervent desire. But in the war-free world of tomorrow, what...
Does he really see me as a girl? Yuki’s a Deaf college student who is at first enchanted by and soon falls in love with an upperclassman in her school...
Tankobonbon-designed White canvas bag One-sided, full color, no bleed design With black zipper 12" x 14" Price is VAT-inclusive
Chainsaw Man has escaped Makima's attempts to control him so far, but she now reveals the full extent of her plans. Denji will need the help of his remaining friends...
With the climactic battle against the Gun Devil close, Aki may be wavering. Has he found something more important to him than revenge? And what is the true meaning behind...
Sukuna is on a rampage, committing mass murder. Meanwhile, valuable allies are taken down, and even Kugisaki falls into Mahito's trap! Feeling the burden of his sins, Itadori finds it...
The Spearhead Squadron has sustained heavy losses in the battle against the new Morpho. Among the dead is Shana, Shiden's-Vice Captain. As Shiden swears revenge for her fallen comrade, Kurena,...
Twilight and Nightfall enter an underground tennis tournament, hoping for an opportunity to gain a secret intelligence document that could very well bring the world to the brink of war!...