Kim Roksu lived a miserable, unimportant life until he transmigrated into Birth of a Hero, a fantasy novel. Unfortunately, he adopted the body of Cale Henituse, a minor villain who receives the beating of a lifetime from the main character, Choi Han. With this second chance, Kim is intent on living a happy, uneventful life. And the first step to that life is avoiding Choi Han at all costs!
The wildly popular Korean novels that inspired the hit webtoon! A man who wants nothing more than to kick back and relax must use his wit and wiles to survive...
DEEP SECRETS: CAN CALE TURN THE TIDE OF FATE?When Kim Roksu mysteriously awakens inside an action-packed fantasy novel, he decides to make the most of it. Now living as the...
ELVEN ENCOUNTERS, ABOVE AND BELOWMuch to Cale’s chagrin, Prince Albert has tasked him with traversing a treacherous desert in search of the dark elves. Yet what he discovers in the...