A multigenerational tale of the heroic Joestar family and their never-ending battle against evil! The legendary Shonen Jump series, now available in English for the first time, in a deluxe edition featuring...
EnlightenmentMusashi sets out for Nara intent on challenging the warrior monks of legendary Hozoin Temple. But Musashi's growing feelings for his childhood friend Otsu; may prove to be a fatal...
Friendship and love are put to the test when Yoh's friend Asaoka reveals that he likes Haruna. The two boys strike a deal: whoever loses the school sports meet will...
A deluxe bind-up edition of Naoki Urasawa’s award-winning epic of doomsday cults, giant robots, and a group of friends trying to save the world from destruction! Humanity, having faced extinction...
Colette, an overworked apothecary, finds romance and a new lease on life—in the underworld!!When exhausted workaholic apothecary Colette jumps into a well, instead of dying she finds herself caring for...
The best-selling shojo romance manga from the creator of Shortcake Cake gets a new, large-sized omnibus edition! Yuki is a typical college student--it's just that she can't hear. A chance encounter on...
The best-selling shojo romance manga from the creator of Shortcake Cake gets a new, large-sized omnibus edition! Yuki is a typical college student--it's just that she can't hear. A chance encounter on...
Punpun gave himself a strict deadline.By the time his lease is up, he and Aiko will be together, his life will be better and he’ll be someone…Or else.Hey, Punpun, your...
Contains the full Volume 1 and 2! "O, Hero!"With that cliched line, Kazuya Souma finds himself summoned to another world and his adventure in administration begins! Upon presenting a plan...
Musashi suffers a humiliating defeat against Inshun, the second-generation master of Hōzōin Temple. To prepare for a rematch, Musashi undertakes an intense spiritual and physical training regimen with a most...
Carried into modern Japan from a forgotten past, the being known as Ogushi haunts and tortures humans of all kinds. Little is know about Ogushi's curse, except that it resides...
HOW CAN WE NOT TALK ABOUT FAMILY WHEN FAMILY’S ALL WE GOT?Takemichi has returned to the present to find himself the first division leader of the violent criminal organization the...
College student Tsuneo loves the ocean and the creatures it harbors, and he dreams of studying abroad in faraway waters. All he needs is enough funds to go, so when...
The mutilated Griffith offers up his Band of the Hawk as sacrifices to the Godhand's demon lords in exchange for a rebirth into terrible power. But the Hawks' berserker champion,...
Light Yagami is an ace student with great prospects—and he’s bored out of his mind. But all that changes when he finds the Death Note, a notebook dropped by a...
When Haruna and Yoh start dating, their path to true love is filled with obstacles—awkward dates, a manipulative sister, and even a vengeful nemesis! Through it all, Haruna’s determination keeps...
With killer bacteria attacks on San Francisco and London underway, the plot to destroy the world that Kenji imagined as a boy is playing out in real life through the...
After a tough breakup, Matsuoka finds solace in a surprising place—his ex-girlfriend’s wardrobe. Donning her outfits, he embarks on nightly escapades that garner a whirlwind of attention, not all of...
DOCTOR DEATH?At his classmate’s suggestion, Totonou signs up for a “sketchy” part-time job. Meanwhile, as Garo and his crew continue the search for the truth behind his sister’s murder, they...
DOUBLE TROUBLE!The Hatomura twins are constantly switching places, and Totonou has been tasked with finding a way to tell them apart once and for all. But everything changes when he...